The Basque Country Seed Network was established in 1996 by technicians, farmers and members of the EHNE trade union in Bizkaia. Over the course of its 22 years, the team has worked mainly in three areas: “The research, conservation and dissemination of the seeds are the main legs of the project,” explains Joseba Ibargurengoitia. The research group started in 2010 in the park of Izki (Álava), with the support of the Alavesa Provincial Council. It was then that they began to work on indigenous chestnut trees, and part of that work was also the Chestnut Festival which took place at the end of October in Izki.
“There are few chestnuts in Álava and most of them in Gorbeialdea and Apinaiz, in the vicinity of Izki Park,” explains Ibargurengoitia. The plantations of these two spaces are more than 300 years old. An example of the importance of the tree in our history is the extensive chestnut toponymy in the Basque Country: “Chestnut has been around for more than 50,000 years and has for centuries been a staple food for the survival of the Basques.”
The main objective of the Chestnut Festival held in Apinaiz between 26 and 28 October has been to expand the knowledge for the recovery of chestnuts. In the project already underway, the Seed Network chose one out of every 13 hectares of Izki chestnut to carry out the test and drive the management model of chestnut trees: “This hectare of chestnut trees is about to die, among other things because in the last five decades there has been no pruning or harvest.” The Network’s proposal is to promote and extend the management model for the recovery of chestnut trees in this hectare.
A technician of Extremadura origin has been invited to the Castaña Festival. The visit of the technician has been used to learn more about the model of some 500 hectares of chestnut that are managed in the area. During the three days they have had an endless number of activities in Apinaiz: chestnut competition, exhibition of local and foreign varieties, course on chestnut culture, tasting, inclusive eco-route from chestnuts…
The Seed Network has more organised activities in the future related to chestnut: “During the months of January and March we will take courses of knowledge of chestnut, with a view to culture and practice: we will learn how to do pruning, plantations, etc.”
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