Khaxoggi Meat on the Middle East Scraped Chess Board
  • Jamal Khaxoggi would not enter the Saudi consulate in Istanbul if it had occurred to him that the executioners he knows well might be so savage to him. However, the blow was involuntary if I wanted to put emotion on the Middle East chess board. The need of the Saudis of Donald Trump and the United States, the fight at home of pretender Mohamed bin Salman, the pretext that Turkey needed to strengthen itself, the nerves of Israel... It smelled of oil.
Pello Zubiria Kamino @pellozubiria 2018ko urriaren 23a
'Al Arab' telebistaren irudian, Jamal Khaxoggi berak antolatutako biltzar batean. Disidenteen edo etsaiarengana pasatako agente kualifikatuak atzerrian espres bidalitako komandoek kalitzea gertakizun klasikoa den arren –berrikitan errusiarrek Sergueï Skri
'Al Arab' telebistaren irudian, Jamal Khaxoggi berak antolatutako biltzar batean. Disidenteen edo etsaiarengana pasatako agente kualifikatuak atzerrian espres bidalitako komandoek kalitzea gertakizun klasikoa den arren –berrikitan errusiarrek Sergueï Skripal pozoitu nahi izan zuten ‘Novitchok’ toxikoz– Khaxoggiren kasua historiak oroituko du bere krudelkeriagatik. Mohamed bin Salamek erregetza laga beharrarekin ordainduko du ziurrenik. Baliteke hariak mugitu zituenak justu horixe bilatzea ere, horrela dira gerra zikinak.

On the one hand there are the events of October 2, with ingredients that can bring the ass to anyone. Jamal Khaxoggi, founded in 1958, a journalist and sponsored by the United States after a long time in the elite of Saudi Arabia, entered his country’s consulate in Istanbul for divorce papers in 13:14 minutes, left him on the portal waiting to marry Hatice Cengiz. After waiting for a while and not explaining the residence, he went to the Turkish police to report the lack of his boyfriend. Khaxoggi never survived the explosion, according to the outside chambers of the building, demining what the authorities in Riyadh told him at the beginning.

We know what happened to Khaxoggi inside the Consulate after the Turkish secret services leaked to the press. Hours before Khaxoggi entered the Consulate a special group of 15 agents, who arrived in Ankara on two private jet aircraft and approached in dark vans to the spot. Among the 15 concentrates were Salah Muhammad al-Tubaigy, head of the Forensic Investigation Department of the Saudis Security Department, and seven Prince Mohamed bin Salman Personal Guard officers.

When writing this chronicle, there was only a lack of being able to watch and listen to the recordings of the consular massacre, which is supposed to be safe. The press reported them in writing, as the Turks told the middle East Eye: “Tubaigy started putting Khaxoggi on a table and starting his body while he was still alive. According to Turkish sources, the murder of the girl took him nearly seven minutes in prison. When he started dividing his body, he put the hearing aids in his ears to listen to the music and told the other members of the group to do the same. ‘When I’m working on this work I hear music, you too would have to do it’, you hear it in the recording. The operation was carried out after three minutes of recording the event to the Turkish newspaper 'Sabah', which has not yet spread the newspaper. The New York Times, for its part, has reported through Turkish sources that Tubaigy was wearing a saw to cut bones. Tubaigy is a member of the Association of Forensic Pathologists of Saudi Arabia.”

Why so much dissident cruelty to die? The new Saudi Arabian pretender, who recently detained, tortured and drained money from many of the powerful members of his family and the Saudi elite, now needed a more raw experience, thinking that he had not sufficiently defeated his enemies inside his house.

Adnan Khaxoggi, the nephew of the famous arms trafficker Adnan Khaxoggi, was a member of the Khaxoggi elite, who, in addition to journalists, was a communications advisor to more than one government minister for a long time and a member of the intelligence services. He began to experience declines with the Orthodox Wahabis of great strength in Saudi Arabia since 2003; he alternated the top positions of powerful media outlets Al Arab and Al Watan with stays abroad – London, Bahrain… – as a reformist.

But what is being a reformist in the elite of Saudi Arabia? The blog Moon of Alabama, which offers such concrete information about geopolitics, recalls that Khaxoggi had a close relationship with Osama bin Laden, showing as proof the copy of a chronicle published in his day in a newspaper, with this photo: On the same page as Bin Laden's interview, Islamist soldiers in Afghanistan include Khaxoggi RPG, a grenade launcher on the back.

Erdogan, Trump and MbS

Exiled to the United States in 2007, signed by Washington Post as a collaborator, Khaxoggi woven a network of contacts in North America, became a friend of congressmen and senators, of great entrepreneurs, was invited by the famous think tank... With this power he conspired against the government of Mohamed bin Salman, who is the only one summarizing MbS, spreading information and opinions from the princes and other wealthy expelled from power. MbSk was not going to fail to assassinate a noisy man who has 1.7 million followers on Twitter. But the Tubaigy saw has twisted both the figure of the young prince and the bones of the flesh of a dissident sinshame, probably forever.

What does each of the protagonists involved in the bloody affair have to do now? Playing cards as best as possible in the face of a negotiation that will eventually have to be rounded up in some way.

If you're on mus, MbS's clumsiness puts three kings in your hands. Erdogan, who wants to bring gold to the opportunity, has raised its price without interruption and has extended the details of the Khaxoggi massacre to the media by sections. It is not just how the war in Syria ends or how the support of the Kurds, such as the Americans, who receive the Saudis, is suspended. Turkey and Saudi Arabia are always fighting – outside Iran – for Muslim leadership, Ankara for the Ottoman empire, Riad for the possession of Mecca and Medina.

Donald Trump and MbSri have been involved in a network of personal relationships – for their son-in-law Jared Kushner to get stuck – with the new authorities in Saudi Arabia. The Saudis have long been the most needed partner of the Yankees, and vice versa. They could not stay in the Persian Gulf for two minutes without their military support. And the Americans shudder when they think about what it would be, by choice of sauces -- the source is a matter of adaptation -- that oil would become more expensive than it should be, or that Riyadh would swing in front of Tehran. Among them are the largest arms purchases made by the Saudis. So who will dare to punish Riadi?

From the outset, Trump has tried to set out solutions to the MbSri crisis, the history of the barbarism of the gorillas – rogue killers – who have escaped control of Khaxoggerena Riad. The excuse has been invalidated day by day with the leaks made by Erdogan in Barcelona. Not even Trump is without suspicion: How did they drop Khaxoggi, who was under protection?

Moon of Alabama Forecast: “Like Erdogan, Trump or MbS, they’re tough guys, they don’t deserve clemency. Khaxoggi also contributed to the destruction of many people. It's fun to see them fighting each other. But conflict is also dangerous. It can spread to the point of being painful for many people. Unfortunately, there does not seem to be anyone capable of speaking wisely to these guys and taking them on the road of burial. At first I thought this case would close earlier, but today it seems to me that the conflict will last for weeks or months, increasing the collateral damage around it.”