The truth is that, outside the meadows of our house, I don't know in Euskal Herria this variety of apples. It has a long history, it's better to feel to read.
Our grandmother, Joxepa Aizpurua Irazu, was born when she was then Sidrería Aizpurua. It was previously a lagar farmhouse, but later, about a hundred years ago, it was one of the most advanced tailors of the time, in Zubieta, next to Usurbil. It was his brother Daniel who built the cider, but because of the war he had to leave. On his return, he resumed the work of the chamomile and the steelworks.
In apples, the misfortune also happens, according to the saying “Ezaño, ni manzaño, ni nada”. The year in which there are no apples is almost the last year in which pitches and cider are drunk. Daniel was aware of the changes and innovations that were taking place in the cider industry in France and Asturias. I don't know if because it was a year or because I wanted to do some special test or program, I bought and brought loads of a certain apple in Asturias in the fall of the late 1940s of the last century. He reached the Txikierdi stop on the train, orderly, in wooden fruit boxes. From there to the galley or the lagar in the car. He filled a 6,000 liter bowl with the must of those apples. Some people think it gave the best cider ever to drink. Also at that time, monovarietal or cider elaborated with a single variety of apples. Today, the cider made with a single variety is guessed on a much future path. Its future will be even more promising, such as that sidreria, raised in oak barrels (Quercus robur), and time will witness it.
About thirty years later, three descendants of Daniel went to Asturias to search for the graft for the new apples we had planned to create. Of course, we also brought in that variety of apples that once had such a sound result. In this apples this variety of apples is still preserved.
This variety of apples has named one of today’s major global businesses, computers known as “apples,” that is, the apple in English. And the apple variety is McIntosh, Malus domestica "McIntosh," which in short we call "Mac." Cider McIntosh.
192 milioi sagar 2024. urtean. Segundoero sei sagarretik gora saltzen du Britainia Handiko Tesco supermerkatu kate han ezagunak; ia 27.000 tona. Zenbaki ikusgarriak dira baina are harrigarrigoak dira bertokoak, Ingalaterrako sagarrak direla jakinda.
The McIntosh apple is mostly seen in computers, tablets, sepals and advertising. His logo marks very well what it is, the author got it right; it's an apple he lacks, as if someone had bitten him. And that's that McIntosha is a delicacy.
It's a Canadian national apple, because it's... [+]
Sagardoaren Jatorri Izendapenak aukera itzelak ematen dituen tresna den arren, Euskal Sagardoa martxan jarri zenetik bildu den lehen uztan sagarraren prezio tamalgarriak mantendu dira.