Transform the military industry
  • When, in a war, whether declared or not, there is a child massacre and it is known that the origin of weapons, explosives and ammunition is in the Basque Country and in the Spanish State, everyone becomes anti-militarist and politicians condemn that war. There are those who are calling for boycotts and not for arms to be sold; there are also movements to prevent their export at airports and seaports, just as happened in the port of Bilbao with the weapons that lead to Saudi Arabia.
Juan Mari Arregi 2018ko irailaren 18a

But time goes by and the terrible images of war in Yemen or other countries are moving away. And back to the militaristic thinking of the hands of the defenders of the military industry and the business. Normally, these political, trade union and social decision-makers say that they have always been in favor of life in the face of “terrorism” and all “violence”.

After the Saudi Arabian massacre of children in Yemen, that is what is happening with the 400 “guided” bombs sold to the Arab country in the PSOE Government. He announced that he was going to be fine, but now he's stuck on the rope and he's decided to sell bombs. The Andalusian workers in the Navantan shipyards have come out in defence of employment, because the Arabs threaten to cancel the request of five Corvettes, which, let us not forget, are warships and which serve to kill.

It is time for coherence, for the radical transformation of the military industry, until it becomes civilian. It has been done before, also in the Basque Country. The government cannot fool us by saying that it is seeking “diplomatic solutions”, we know that they are based on lies and manipulation. Explosive devices will arrive in Saudi Arabia.