Itxaro Borda 2018ko irailaren 04a

The smile comes to my lips from the pen of some of our summer commentators in this North, forgiven in the territories of Laburd-Baja Navarra - Zuberoa, which deal with the ecumenical institutional evolution of recent years: J. R . The Basque College, led by President Etxegarai, sees him coming to independence immediately. On the other hand, nationalists represent the use of the boat of center-right leaders, using the political path to achieve their goals, now that the former ETA organization, implicit and with the weapons provided. But the Basque nation must not be deprived of its dream: What would Üskal Herria be without adrenaline?

We are therefore like a beato seeing what the Basque College is going to do. It is true that the leaders of this organisation are the Basques, but rather the patriots, as if they were beasts, have a new habit of praying their hair there. To stay in power, they need them. The Burkides also yearn for power, even though today they only have one piece of the puzzle called Euskal Herria that moves in the street. The objective is more general, as is the one of the next century, always of the future, that is, of the Basque republic.

Parishes book: Free North for Christmas?