Koldo Aldalur Hirigoien 2018ko uztailaren 19a

I looked like this in the picture when ARGIA first offered me the opportunity. A while in the magazine. The only condition is that what is written has to do with sport if it is possible.

It doesn't always make me easy. There are sports, especially those that move a lot of money, that generate a lot of discussion without substance. Nothing but noise. The arguments are softened by deepening the interests behind them, becoming superficial and relativizing the warmth that has been put on these topics.

But sometimes the world of sport, and especially athletes, offer us moments full of magic. Few surfaces and words and actions of sweet meats. Valid.

Talk about Alberto Zerain in the programming of the Flysch Trail of Zumaia. Sebastian Álvaro, Juanjo San Sebastian, Josu Bereziartua, Joxe Ramón Agirre Brown, Johnatan García and other mountain veterans are talking about what the mountains have given them and has taken away the mountains.

Remove, among other things, fingers and toes. And, of course, the friends who have stayed there arriba.Da a lot.

They talk about life and life.

One says that he has taught him that mountains are the same as death and life, naturally, without overdramatizing the two things to take; more than eight thousand meters, when he starts to worry, unlike the camps at the bottom, the gods and the goddesses, who knows where, who says that they are living – I don’t know if it gives me the impression that in my time, but maybe you remember the religions! Forced by bad weather, unable to leave the store for days – and nights –, the importance of the smallest detail, the help that helps you to look in the face of life, and therefore death... The wise teacher said that with few elements whoever knows how to complete the universe, that is, the understanding of life, will be able to look in the void.

The veteran has told you about when he realized that we were at least in cosmic dust, seeing the summit so far away, impossible, and being aware of our smallness. They say it speaks silence.

Every word rubbed by experience with sense oil produces in my brain a spark that would scare the most skilled neuroscience.

The moon surprises us on the beach of Itzurun. The talk has been over for a long time, but the conversation issues and the desire to be with friends, no.

They have stopped talking about death and more important things have emerged. The SOS Himalaya Elkartea Association in the Valley of Nepal has denounced that they need help in order to get a hospital up.