Frivolity, please
Leire Narbaiza Arizmendi @txargain 2018ko uztailaren 19a

The world is a drama. It gives the impression that humanity has taken the path of self-destruction and that there is nothing to oppose it. Maybe that's why all the articles and opinions we write are serious and sad. A layer of melancholy permeates them all, and the head fills us with pessimism.

Part of it is normal, and that is our situation. But shouldn't we use a little bit more humor? We should embed irony everywhere, but not just to make a political-social satire.

Something similar also happens in the cultural sphere. Mursego defined intellectuals well in the Eusnob song: all of them doing serious things, important issues, because culture is a serious and important subject.

But I also need laughter. That's why I call revenge, belly, crazy laughter, to release internal penalties.

I also ask for frivolity. A little bit to vent to this terrible world that I've already talked about. From time to time, I need to say: I discover myself, I join in frivolity and I put my head and I put my head when I make a blurry so I can get ahead. In Euskera, of course. Please.