Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

Juana Bixenta, don't despair!

  • The 2017 film Handia, by Jon Garaño and Aitor Arrangi, opened the atmosphere on the screens of the most profound Gipuzkoa of the nineteenth century, if there is: the severe poverty of the housekeepers, the opulence of the owners, each trying to get his own, some managed the acromegaly of a brother in exchange for money, and others, like the brilliant Olabe!
Irudia: Ainara Azpiazu
Irudia: Ainara Azpiazu "Axpi".

The verses of the giant “Bilintx” Indalezio Bizkarrondo lead us to the heart of Basque rural society, which was devastated by hunger. In twenty-one coples it creates a curious situation: we don't know what Mr. Nagusi does, who can't pay the homeowners' prize to the beautiful young Juana Bixenta. The session ends with a happy end authorized by the Christian Society, as Nagusi Jauna and Juana Bixenta will marry and after a few months will bring a child to the world.

Young ladies, do not fall asleep, look in this
mirror: liked the
beautiful virtues are taken by
your tenant as a
woman, the master tries
to win
the fork to everyone else.

Bilintx gives good advice and, basically, what tells us is something that works, apparently, from the ground. It is one of the resources that women use, voluntarily or involuntarily, to get on to the social ladder, which is also used in Hollywood or in the workplace, where in theory seduction is left over to women. Promotion canapé is the name that society received until recently. What if it were the other way around? Did men have their power and their male strength on the scales to reorient women's exercise? #NiEre or #Voting TuThe Urdea traols have freed the word during these months and we take the opportunity to take Juana Bixenta away the imaginary and ambitious snail that has been put on Olabe.

The coplas of the bertsolari donostiarra are formed by endless conversations between Juana Bixenta and Mr. Nagusi, who for a moment enters the conversation the boy or the servant of Mr. Nagusi, to ensure that Juana Bixenta was brought in good condition to the house of her parents.

Behold, my lord, an
angel to help him and volverme.En
the road
was afraid, but upon arriving he was
already happy.
Now, worried, it has nothing to do
with going to bed and spending good nights.

We can observe that Bilintx gives us the testimony of a violation, symbolic or real?, which has occurred between the elderly and the subordinates. There is no trace in the text of such violence, but our romantic writer, perhaps unique in the Basque literature, would have smoothed and fused in his discursive mist the sharp and painful ears of stirrup. From the first moment we see His Majesty lost in the works of conquest of the young woman who comes to ask for a favor:

– Mr Nagusi, this is the job, my
mother sends me to you.
"Oh, if I sent myself often!"
I comfort myself to see you.
me, I'm completely crazy!
How elegant are you?

Why does the mother send her eldest daughter to ask for the payment of the premium to be deferred, why does she or her husband not go? We could say that this mother has an archetypal aspect: married mothers, sold mothers, mothers have sent many Basque songs. Image: Ainara Azpiazu for "Axpi."

You have to imagine the reaction of a woman who listens to this kind of compliments. Without showing anything, he often feels disarmed from the inside, not knowing how to take the first dance step. Suddenly, in the heart of Juana Bixenta, two wills are contrasted: that of the mother and that of the lord. The question is why the mother sends her eldest daughter to ask for the favor of postponing the payment period, why doesn't she or her husband go? The mother also implicitly knows that her daughter's physical beauty will ruin her. We could say that this mother has an archetypal aspect: married mothers, sold mothers, mothers have sent many Basque songs.

– My mother has told me that, since she had
no money to pay the household
income, she will do almost a favor, waiting, at most, for a

It's already done
the month before Pass.

– To achieve it, however,
easily, whatever it may be, it is safe
to tell my mother
that if you come as a
messenger, you
are certainly the owner of
my will Juana Bixenta Olabe.

“Therefore, I go home to give my
mother a great joy; now I come,
my lord, and I
rush to go to my mother.
"Don't go!"You
carry on as I would like, so that you do
not go home today!

Mr. Mayor presses Juana Bixenta and I recommend her as I would like. Here lies the suspicion of violence, ranging from the highest to the lowest. A man who seemed so friendly and so vast in his words is now rude and throws his beloved into the girl's face. But, however heavy it may be, she knows how to take care of the courtesy; Juana Bixenta's house is far away, she has to do something at night, she is afraid, according to the verse with a lot of danger. He also explains his qualities: It came from Malaga, copious dinners, fine gold of sixteen hard… and it is reheated, to the point of questioning the honor of Juana Bixenta:

– I could

be resigned that I could
not stay here; my mother waits for the night and I have to go because she waits for me; because since
saw my daughter the mother would have nothing good...

– In addition, Juana Bixenta, I leave
you counting if you
fulfill everything you owe me from
family income.
“Strong shame!
He is suffering and today I
am grieved by my pain!

In the end, to defend himself, Juana Bixenta, who is Abila, reveals to her that she is offended by the run-up of the Lord Major, who is victimized to save herself. He will return home with the servant and, ten days later, with the permission of his mother, the two young people will get married in the church and if there were a lot of people around. They're happy and they wait for a baby soon. Bilintx’s ironic advice comes then: try to win thanks to everyone else.

Juana Bixenta Olabe is one of the bertsolaris of Euskal Herria who sang and recorded Xabier Lete entirely (1945-2010). The question will stop in the air: Is romanticism and tender irony not concealing the violent relationship between a man and a girl of different social classes?

Indalezio Bizkarrondo Ureña, "Bilintx"

Karrika bat dauka Donostiako Parte Zaharrean, 1831 eta 1876 artean bertan bizitza osoa eraman zuenak. Berrogeita bost urtetan hil zen hegoaldean foruak deuseztatu ziren egunean. Sei hilabete lehenago bere etxeko leihotik sartu karlisten granada batek, zartatzerakoan, zangoak moztu zizkion. Rosalia de Castrorekin batera Galiziako literatura berrituko zuen Manuel Curro Enriquez kazetariak Bilintxen heriotzaz artikulu famatua izkiriatu zuen 1876ko urtarrilaren 21ean Madrilgo egunkari batean. Erran behar da Antzoki Zaharraren zaindaria liberala zela eta hirugarren karlistadan Donostiako liberalen laugarren batailoian sutsuki borrokatu zela!

Ez zuen zorte handirik ukan Bilintxek. Gaztetan eskaileretan erori zen eta aurpegia arras markestua gelditu zitzaion. Txori harrapari moko batekin ibiltzeaz gain, beranduago zezen batek –Pasaiako herritik ihes joandako hark?– kolpatu zuen soka-muturrean jolasten ari zela eta ondorioz maingu edo herrenka aitzinatzen zen. Ez zitekeen gozo Donostiako kale hertsi eta ilunpean Bilintx bezalako izaki baten gurutzatzea.

Baina bere bertsoetan nabaritzen zitzaion funtsezko poztasunari esker agian, ezkondu zen eta hiru haur ukan zituen. Ez zion zorigaitzaz bizimodua trabatu, baina hori bai, malenkonia sakona, umore eta ironia gaziarekin uztartzen jarraitu zuen hiltzeraino. Ez zuen gaiztakeriarik ordea, ez mendekatzeko xederik ere. Bere jenio handitik datozkigu hainbat kanta ezagun hala nola Behin batean Loiolan, Dama gazte polit bat, Ume eder bat ikusi nuen, Kontxesirentzat, Loreak udan ihintza bezala edo dantzatzeko melodia airosa destinoaren pesimismoarekin josten duen Triste bizi naiz eta:

Triste bizi naiz eta
hilko banintz hobe
Badaukat bihotzean
hainbeste naigabe
Maite bat maitatzen dut
baina haren jabe
Sekula izateko
esperantzik gabe…

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