About a year ago, several people met in Tudela to analyze the situation of the Basque Country and predict the possibilities that can be presented to improve it. As explained by AEK member Iñaki Bakero, in the Ribera there are several groups and associations working for the Basque Country (AEK, Ikastola, School of Languages…), but so far they have never collaborated in this. Therefore, he met with the agents and set out to create a platform for the Basque people, “given the attack we are suffering on the Basque people, we consider it very necessary to work together.”
Among the objectives set so far are the defense of the Basque Country, the promotion and promotion of attitudes in favor of the Basque Country, as well as the collection of Euskaldunes and Euskaltzales and the strengthening of their common spaces. However, the process of creating the platform is still under way, as in October they are planning to hold an open assembly with local and sports associations and political parties. In addition to presenting their project and their opinions, they want to explain to the agents that the Basque country is also their own. Some of them, however, do not expect great things. Bakero has accused UPN, pp and PSN of acting forcefully.
“On the part of the PSN, I have never seen such an attitude in the Ribera”
On June 2, tens of thousands of people demonstrated in Pamplona/Iruña in support of parties such as UPN, pp, PSN, Citizens and Vox, among others. The protesters met to denounce the linguistic policy of the Government of Navarra in the Basque Country and believe that the foral executive has used Euskera as a "unit" between Navarre and the CAV.
Bakero has pointed out that these attitudes affect the whole of society: “Opinions against the Basque Country are strengthening and spreading, it is a message that they convey to society.” The platform believes that the reason for this protest is elections, which are not held. In his view, the political parties are already campaigning, they want to re-join the Government of Navarra, and to do so they want to break the current one. Regarding the situation of the Ribera, Bakero has said that its UPN, PP and PSN parties are "more aggressive" than ever and that they are "much more violent": "Since the PSN, for example, I have never seen such an attitude in the Ebro Bank. They have not been the defenders of the Basque Country, but they have never attacked him as they are doing now.” In fact, he believes that the Euskaldunes and the Euskaltzales want to cut off the road in favor of the Basque country.
In addition, the current Law of the Vascuence of Navarra allows zoning and divides rights. In February Parliament set up a parliamentary committee which could amend this law, but which should adopt it earlier. In the face of this situation, Bakero has pointed out that, despite the possibilities of change, something more will be needed than that.
Discrimination between Navarros established by law
According to the Law of the Vascuence of Navarre, Navarros outside the Basque area are not guaranteed the possibility of speaking in Basque. In fact, entities from non-Basque areas are not obliged to offer public services in Basque.
AEK Member Alicia Iribarren has said that they need a new Euskera law that is effective: “The reason for the discrimination we suffer in Navarre is the zoning of language rights. We want and need a different language policy that makes it possible to live in Basque.”
To that end, Parliament set up the committee to deal with the law in February. Bakero thinks that such measures can help the Basque Country, but has also warned that this has a risk: “I think there are possibilities for change, but there is a risk that the situation we have will be recognised. People may think that we are doing well and that that is enough, and that is not the case.” In his opinion, the Basque needs more “courage”: “There is a lot of work to be done and society has to become aware of it, we have to set in motion a broad and strong social movement”.
Iribarren has the same view. In his view, even if they want to sell another reality, the Basques are still “second-division inhabitants”: “The black years of UPN and the regime are over, but we have to say loud and clear that we come from the black age and that any step is still very small.”
The platform has started the process to set up the Ribera society and to publicize the project organized a festival in favor of the Basque Country on 9 June, with the support of the Town Hall of Tudela and the Government of Navarra.
The neighbours of Tudela also against the Basque Country?
Bakero explained that at the feast of 9 June the Euskaltzales responded greatly, and that the atmosphere was very nice and pleasant. The attendees enjoyed, among others, concerts, clowns for children, a popular meal and performances by bertsolaris.
The imagination of many is that most of the Ribera's society is against the Basque. The platform, for its part, believes that this is not a case of "aggression". There are many people who do not agree or are active in working for the Basque Country, but they are also not against: “For the time being, we do not see the Ribera society, at least actively, against the Basque. They are not activated in favor of the Basque Country, but they are not activated against it.”
With the projects they have established in the village (AEK, Ikastola…) they have won in the last years in Tudela the people and the space for the Basque. In any case, Bakero believes that much is missing and for that they have to use the platform: “It would be an incredible achievement for us if, in a year’s time, different actors, and, of course, each and every one, publicly showed their adherence to the Basque Country.” In this sense, the platform has expressed its desire for an increase in efforts in favor of the Basque country through the Basque country. The members believe that if the Basque country is going to win, it will be thanks, to a large extent, to the work of the citizens: “We have to walk together. Let’s be agents every day and everywhere, it’s everyone’s responsibility.”
Iruñeko haur eskoletako zuzendariek, EH Bildu, Geroa Bai, Zurekin Nafarroa eta PSNren arteko akordioa kritikatu dute. “Murgiltze ereduaren alde egin dugu beti, baina inoiz ez da gure iritzia kontutan hartzen” salatu du Euskalerria Irratian, Garikoitz Torregrosa... [+]
Euskarazko eskaintza handitzeko akordioa erdietsi dute EH Bilduk, PSNk, Geroa Baik eta Zurekin Nafarroak
Plazara, AEK, Uda Leku, Dindaia eta Ebete antolakundeak Baionan elkartu dira Famili'on egonaldi ibiltariaren lehen edizioa aurkezteko. Hizkuntza mailaren arabera eskaintza bat edo beste egongo da eta haur zein gurasoentzat izango da udaberrian.
Administrazio Epaitegiak arrazoia eman dio EH Bilduk Lizarrako plantilla organikoaren hizkutnz profilen aurka jarritako helegiteari.