Bron/Broen X
Itxaro Borda 2018ko uztailaren 10

Two weeks ago, after ten months of remodeling, the St. Spirit Bridge has been opened to buses and car flocks. They go by night and day, spreading the particles of dioxide into the air and extending them to the bottom of our lungs.

As a Basque writer from Nordic and Latin American teleseries, I can easily imagine a cadaver that could be the victim of air pollution, lying in the middle of the bridge, with his head in the opulante of San Spirituu and his legs in the Greater Baiona, just like the old writer Joan Tartas.

This summer, the only body that will support a well-released bridge – children’s performances, tango dancers, the song Zombie de Cramberies by megafony and fireworks – is that of a being too drunk at the Baiona festivities… But it is also possible that fewer people approach these celebrations that, in line with the highest masculinist model, put the law of collective hordes: Those who do not settle in Baiona will have to pay eight euros of income, in addition to the three hundred euros they spend each at one of the parties. The people of Baiona, on the contrary, take the yellow from the far right to prove that they are the inhabitants of the area! Isn't that a curious distinction?

Corpses are not where we always believe...