Asking for justice in the Spanish courts amounts to looking for the moon at noon. You can try it, but you won't usually get it. At most, you will hear the howls of the wolves.
It is not that Spanish justice does not protect us from the Basques, the Spanish justice system is an enemy of the Basques.
It is not that Spanish justice does not protect women, the Spanish justice system is the enemy of women.
Not only is there no separation of powers, but the judges themselves are responsible for maintaining the most reactionary policy.
The unjust sentences of Enge have been that of the young people of Alsasua and the rapists of La Manada, yes, the rapists. The coincidence has shown the lack of proportionality of each other and the intemperance of the other. In this differentiated treatment, however, there is not only an interested and ideological legal interpretation. This is an identity that has been used in part in the construction of the Spanish State. Patriotic, proud, authoritarian, irrational and masculine identity. It is part of a whole culture, and those of La Manada are their representatives. The fact that one of them is a civil guard and another is by no means an anecdote. It's no coincidence. It's causality. That's why they're free. Because they are “their” prisoners. An example of this is that in the Spanish private television channels, in these great mirrors of the drift of the factual powers, they were agitated to fight the “boys” of La Manada and to criminalize the “radicals” of Altsasu.
Someone will think I'm mixing things that have nothing to do with it, but at the basis of all of them is the same reactionary, authoritarian, patriarchal system. Making a simplification, in Spanish prisons there are gypsies, Basques, Catalans and immigrants. We are the subalternates of the state. There's no room for rapists, timers, rich thieves or torturers.
However, compared to other well-known sentences, in both cases the difference has been the street response and collective outrage. In both cases, the wave of solidarity was already organized as soon as the judgment was known. People are sick. It's sick in Euskal Herria, and also outside Euskal Herria, because the burden of that network of states is getting heavier and heavier across our borders. However, on the part of the Spanish apparatus, the only way to respond to the demands is through the hard, authoritarian and indoctrinating hand. Condemning those of Alsasua for murdering a person, freeing the rapists of La Manada and responding to the sovereign request of Catalonia are expressions of the same world and of the same State to understand. Someone will think I'm mixing things that have nothing to do with it, but at the basis of all of them is the same reactionary, authoritarian, patriarchal system. Making a simplification, in Spanish prisons there are gypsies, Basques, Catalans and immigrants. We are the subalternates of the state. There is no room for rapists, timers, thieves or torturers. If to make up the system and give it a touch of legitimacy they have to put one of them in, they will prepare a luxury cell to enjoy the little time that has to pass.
If, for example, it seems that chauvinist and patriarchal violence is nothing more than a Spanish issue, and, unfortunately, it is not. Because in Euskal Herria, women harass us every day. What I am sure is that the only option is to free myself from the chain of the Spanish courts in order to build a real democracy and a fairer judicial system. In Spain it is not possible, we can try it in Euskal Herria. Outside of those rigid structures, we have everything to gain. That is why it is so important to know how to channel the anger and collective pain that has occurred and to transfer to Euskal Herria the epicenter of claims.
Giza Eskubideen Europako Auzitegiak ez du aintzat hartu Altsasuko gazteek epaiketa bidezkoa izan zuten aztertzeko eskakizuna. Auzipetutako gazteetako batek, Iñaki Abadek, eman du jakitera berria.