It is already three or four years since they want to impose the debate in Donostialdea on us. This train project will bring together Irun and Hendaia and Donostia-San Sebastián, both in time and frequency, without forgetting the RENFE service. According to the authorities, the connection between Donostia-San Sebastian and Zarautz is also planned, although the speed at which the train will be directed is unknown, which still has a road structure from the beginning of the twentieth century, without doubling.
One of the consequences of this train project will be those and the Gipuzkoans who do not reside in the Irun-Zarautz area, although as all Gipuzkoans pay taxes in the same way. In fact, we can say that the public transport system that requires the economic level of Gipuzkoa is under-consumed and the system that we have, especially the private one, is carried out by car and by paid road. Consequently, it will involve the development of the central city and the integration of the other small and medium-sized peoples on the road to underdevelopment, as is happening in the French State.
On the other hand, access from Hendaia to Donostia-San Sebastián will be affected by the complicated road difficulties, as the road is not duplicated. Also the trains to Zarautz. However, in the Donostia-San Sebastian area these trains will move quickly, but not far from the capital, as they will be slow and dysfunctional. And how will you connect Hondarribia to your airport?
Marx wrote that the tendency of capitalism would be to centralize and concentrate companies. This process has intensified in these times of neoliberalism, in which, in addition to increasing the gap between citizens, the same path is being pursued between territories. The story takes for granted this and is not only giving that concentration and centralization in Madrid, because a similar process is also taking place in Euskal Herria.
As a result of the huge investments of the metro, Gipuzkoa will be divided into three areas, despite being a small country: The area from Irun to Lasarte will become a small metropolis; the corridor forming Tolosaldea and Goierri, where public transport is much better; and the centre of the territory (Azpeitia), and Debabarrena and Debagoiena.
Because something like this can happen in Gipuzkoa. It is clear that Donostia-San Sebastián does not approach Eibar, Arrasate, Azpeitia, Oñati and other small and medium-sized towns. For example, an errentericar who wants to travel to Oñati, Antzuola or Aretxabaleta has to have a bad time if he wants to get there, because in the end he will use the car and the private highway, if he does not want to spend 2-3 hours in the public transport blico.Asimismo, individuals, for example the university ones, will have less chance of developing it as people, of going to work or bringing their products to the capital.
Therefore, due to the large investments of the metro, Gipuzkoa will be divided into three areas, despite being a small country: The area from Irun to Lasarte will become a small metropolis; the corridor forming Tolosaldea and Goierri, where public transport is much better; and the center of the territory (Azpeitia), and Debabarrena and Alto Deba. In fact, the main economic, educational, research, public universities and health centres will continue to be centralised and concentrated in this first area and the others will be at risk of delay if no action is taken. However, the cohesion of Gipuzkoans will be weakened, even more so with the implementation of the APR.
We have been led to believe that the PNV is the ideal manager, but we have seen transparently that the first metro has turned the Pharaonic project into a strategic project a couple of years later. So, as he was wrong in the game of mus played by this game in Madrid, I think the same thing will happen to them on the Donostialdea metro.