When the enlightened proclaimed citizenship of political power they had no news of Marx, and in fact, when they opposed the old regime, they made a breakthrough, they threw the feudal elites of the time, the noble and the kings, and they established a framework of capital, as a model of equality.
Most of the enlightened were immersed in society to try to change situations and, as ideologues of the bourgeoisie, did not have a real awareness of the structure and development of history. This awareness emerged later, in the maximum abstract conceptualizations of Germanic philosophy, by the hand of Hegel.
In revolutionizing Hegel's thinking, Marx evidenced the superficial thinking of the enlightened and the awareness of the basic forces of development of societies. The consequence of Marx was that political power always depends on economic power. And this builds legislation, state institutions and the basic beliefs and ideas of society, including science, art and religion.
In the Communist Manifesto, Marx clearly affirmed the instrumental nature of bourgeois governments when he stated that “the public power is nothing more than a governing council that defends the collective interests of the bourgeois class”. This idea, shown in the baccalaureate, is so basic that it serves to understand in depth any political, social and economic situation that occurs in the world.
Just like the first pulpits, now from television or social media, the message in favor of the economic elites spreads more forcefully than ever and makes society view reality in its own way.
That is why I find it difficult to listen to the Tertullians, politicians or journalists who define themselves as wise, saying that “democracy is the government of all”, “the constitution is made among all”, “there is independence between the three powers”, “the journalist and the media seek objectivity”, “justice is the same for all”, “this is the rule of law, democracy is the fulfilment of popular law” above the desire for vote.
After Marx, the only value of these ideas is to be an ideology put at the service of the elites, and the defenders, or elites, or the rulers, policemen and judges who are at their service, the media that they are in charge of, or who are at their service – I don’t know why – are grateful slaves within many systems.
Just like the first pulpits, now from television or social networks, the message in favor of the economic elites unfolds more strongly than ever and makes society imagine reality in its own way, ordering what to think and what to do, pissing, eradicating or criminalizing all other ideas. We are a long way from making new and progressive ideas, from the bottom, and against power, hegemonic. Do you see a gap?
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