After the summer, however, you will have to present the 2019 ones. That is why we should remember the alternative plans he presented a month ago, based on a state with more social spending and more taxes.
Public expenditure will be increased by EUR 8 billion to modernise the productive structure and better distribute the benefits of economic growth. The objective is to allocate an additional EUR 5.5 billion to those affected by the economic and budgetary crisis. ECU 2.4 billion for the plan to combat poverty and ECU 1.2 billion for the protection of the long-term unemployed. To cover this increase in social spending, the Socialists’ plan is, to the same extent, a tax increase. The multinationals, with EUR 4 billion, are the ones that would be most affected by the rise in corporate tax. Through this new tax, the bank would pay an extra EUR 1 billion to pay public pensions, which would result in a tax. Those who earn more than 150,000 euros a year would also notice a rise in income tax. In addition, by eliminating duplicate structures and making improvements in procurement of supplies, the new government would save EUR 2.5 billion, the Executive has reported.
Consequently, they must comply with what has been promised. The new president of the Spanish Government is not going to have it easy, he warned. Not only because of the political opposition, especially by the PP, which is hungry for revenge, but has already reacted companies, multinationals and banks. They do not want to forget about labour reform and similar ones, because they have only benefited their interests. They don't want more taxes. The parties that supported the motion of censure, except for exceptions, would probably approve these alternative plans. And, of course, also most of the citizens of the Spanish State.
EAJk PPren gobernuaren aurrekontuak babestu ditu "erantzukizunez" jokatu duela iritzita. Konstituzioko 155. artikuluak Katalunian indarrean jarraitu bitartean Rajoyren aurrekontuak ez zituela onartuko berretsi izan du behin baino gehiagotan alderdi jeltzaleak. Hautsak... [+]
EAJko zuzendaritza batzartu egin da asteazken honetan, eta Euzkadi Buru Batzarrak jakinarazi duenez, erabaki dute Espainiako Kongresuan dituzten bost diputatuek aldeko botoa ematea Rajoyren Gobernuaren aurrekontuei.
Espainiako Gobernuko aurrekontuak bozkatuko dituzte gaur Madrilen, eta horiek onartzeko ezinbestekoa dute EAJren babesa. Jeltzaleek ez dute bozkatuko dutenaren berri emanen azken momentura arte.
EAJk eta PPk aurrekontuen gaineko akordioa erdietsi dute 2018an Araba, Bizkaia, Gipuzkoa eta Nafarroara 25 milioi euro bideratzeko Estatuko aurrekontuetatik; beste 24,5 milioi euro 2019rako eta 14,5 milioi 2020rako. Guztira, 64 milioi euro. Diruaren zati handiena AHTko obretara,... [+]
PPren eta EAJren interesak batu egin dira Estatuko Aurrekontu Orokorrak salbatzeko, pentsionistak hauteskunde-merkantzia balira bezala erabilita.
EAJk iragarri duenez, Espainiako Gobernuak onartu du pentsioak Kontsumorako Prezioen Indizearen (KPI) arabera igotzea 2018an eta 2019an, aurreikusita zegoen pentsio minimoen %3ko igoeraz gain.
EAJk jakinarazi du ez duela Espainiako Estatuko Aurrekontu Orokorren osoko zuzenketarik aurkeztuko. EH Bilduk, bestalde, osoko zuzenketa aurkeztu du, esanez desberdintasun soziala “betikotzen” duela.
Katalunian Gobernua osatzen denean, iaz egin bezala, EAJk Espainiako Aurrekontuak aurrera aterako dituela uste du Espainiako Ekonomia Ministroak.
EAJk ohartarazi dio Rajoyri ez dutela aurrekontuez hitz egingo 155. artikuluak indarrean jarraitzen duen bitartean. Abenduaren 21eko hauteskundeen ondoren utzi liezaioke Espainiako Gobernuak artikulua aplikatzeari.
Aurrekontuak mahai gainean daude, Euskal Autonomia Erkidegoan eta Espainiako Estatuan. 155. artikuluaren aplikazioak eta oro har, Kataluniako prozesuak aurrekontuen afera baldintzatu du.