Ball issues
Leire Narbaiza Arizmendi @txargain 2018ko ekainaren 05a

I'm in the park, nanny. They are tablets and empty space. I settled in the pretil around me. I've already had a ratito and some guys have started playing in front of me. Suddenly, with force, he stuck the ball on my foot. It hasn't done much harm to me, but I have a child in my lap and I'm afraid another shot might hit the boy in the skirt, because I've realized they've put a goal and I'm in the middle of the door. I insulted them, and a young man, about eleven years old, with his creditors, told me if the park wasn't everybody's. I do, but it is ours too.

The truth is that there is little room on the street to practice this kind of sports. When there's a site, they also bother, and we force them to move, like in the courts of Egia in Donostia.

Coexistence in non-specific areas, however, is difficult. As you know well in the courtyards of the schools, football occupies everything, takes the centrality, roots everybody else and becomes master and master. Especially gentlemen, because balloon users are mainly boys.

He believed that the Spanish expression of the balls belonged to a part of the anatomy of men. But if we look at the issue of the balls, isn't it all tied?