The Single Commonwealth of Iparralde is working on the construction of the new Single Commonwealth of Iparralde. The political institutionalization of Ipar Euskal Herria is essential for the Basque Country. It's necessary and good, simply, because as it gets built, it gives you what to say. For example, we have known the first transport tax disaster between André Garreta, president of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Baiona and Jean-René Etchegaray, president of the Commonwealth of Iparralde. "We don't want to hear the words of politicians, we're just being pushed by lies and lies," Garreta said in a statement. It does not agree with the tax rate system that the College has set up to finance transport policy. In Etchegaray’s words, “an urban center (the Basque Commonwealth) with problems of metropolis is being built, and that is not easy.” Let us call the Urban Territory Center – Public College – and let us also understand the following: the construction of the school must be paid among all its members. I will not comment on the scandal between Garreta and Etchegaray. If that is the case, I should like to bring some data to the attention of the construction of the new institution.
We have seen the first clash between the actors in the first work of setting up the Community. The system of applying the tax is what caused this shock. That is, in the constitution of a college or a community, it is fundamental to define the economic and identity characteristics, and it is also essential to weave in consensus so that the college is formed with care.
In Lapurdi there are 256,878 inhabitants, in Baja Navarra 31,784 and 14,781 in Zuberoa. As for the organization of transport, so far they have been the Basque community in Lapurdi, that of Aturri, and that of Hegoalde in Lapurdi. Therefore, as the community develops, the interior of Lapurdi and the other two territories must be integrated to form a community that assumes the identity of a community. In other words, the territory must be “harmonised”. Public money is needed to finance public transport. The tax will be levied throughout the territory. Companies are, however, primarily responsible for this tax. Companies with more than 11 workers will have to pay the transport tax. So far, companies with over 10,000 inhabitants have contributed to the construction of the new regulation, which is regulated by French law. Do you know peoples that are of this size in the “interior”? Or many companies with more than eleven employees?
In addition to the Basque Centre, the time has come to build the Basque Autonomous Community, provided that there is Iparralde.
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