I was pleased to hear that an act of solidarity with Nicaragua was organized in Madrid. At the first concentration in Bilbao, with the exception of my girlfriend and I, all the attendees of Plaza Moyua were Nicaraguan immigrants. I found out through the social media of a left-wing musician who was going to sing on that act. After the joy, I felt rage when I read the comment that a friend of this musician had left me: “The only violence is the one that finances imperialism. They go against Nicaragua as against Venezuela.”
But what is happening in Nicaragua? Maybe you haven't heard much. We know that Central America receives little media interest. Perhaps you have heard some brief news: that in demonstrations against a reform of social security there have been deaths. You may have heard the theory that there is a plan for U.S. intervention after the protests, in the ARGIA itself. In the news published on 25 April in URL0, instead of going to international organizations working in the defence of human rights (for example, the Central American network of women human rights defenders, IM-Defensoras), instead of going to popular movements in Nicaragua, Telesur has been its only source. “The Trump Government, as in the past the Obama team in Venezuela, has given a ‘soft blow’ in Nicaragua to stop the Sandinista revolution and regain its control in the country. (…) In peaceful demonstrations, members of the parties on the right have violently broken into chaos and forced the resignation of the government.”
Rabies. Rabies. Anger!
Don't believe it!
Police and young armed Sandinistas have been responsible for the deaths of 46 young people and for trying to criminalize the protests through the looting of shops. In universities it has been carried out with firearms against the rings; in social networks you will find a lot of videos through the hashtag #SOSNikaragua. My friends were there. Among the 46 deaths in the shooting, a journalist has been arrested for police gunfire. The man was shot in the head when he reported the protests through his official Facebook account. Among the 46 deaths, the cousin of my dear friend Nolan.
The feminist movement has been one of the main sectors that has denounced the accumulation of powers and corruption in the government of Daniel Ortega. The Machista-Leninists like the feminists to say that we are puppets of the cia, that we are enemies of class struggle. Do not believe
The indigenous leader Francisca Ramírez was stabbed while traveling to Managua to join the protests. Is he also an accomplice to Donald Trump? Are the thousands of farmers on the right who have suffered the expropriation of land and the suppression of protests for the misleading intention of building an Interoceanic Canal? That hasn't been told by Telesur. Nor is it that Daniel Ortega returned to power in 2007 with a right-wing party, as he negotiated with the Catholic Church and the business oligarchy. First measure to return this favor: to legalize abortion.
The feminist movement has been one of the main sectors that has denounced the accumulation of powers and corruption in the government of Daniel Ortega. The Machista-Leninists like the feminists to say that we are puppets of the cia, that we are enemies of class struggle. Don't believe it.
I have been linked to Nicaragua since 2012, to its popular movements. He lived in power for a year. All my friends “nika” are social entrepreneurs. The lack of support from the international media and political parties (in the case of Telesur) is painful for them. “Trump, bitch. Sit down. You got not candle in this burial,” they share the tweet and shout “Free Homeland or Dies.” The Basques who supported the Sandinista revolution should be clear that Ortega is the traitor of Sandino. The revolution that we have to support today is the one that has emerged in the streets and in the universities.
Bidali zure iritzi artikuluak iritzia@argia.eus helbide elektronikora
ARGIAk ez du zertan bat etorri artikuluen edukiarekin. Idatzien gehienezko luzera 4.500 karakterekoa da (espazioak barne). Idazkera aldetik gutxieneko zuzentasun bat beharrezkoa da: batetik, ARGIAk ezin du hartu zuzenketa sakona egiteko lanik; bestetik, egitekotan edukia nahi gabe aldatzeko arriskua dago. ARGIAk azaleko zuzenketak edo moldaketak egingo dizkie artikuluei, behar izanez gero.
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