They want to know whether, when it fell to the ground, appropriate preventive measures had been taken and they have denounced the lack of foresight of the company. LAB says that these kinds of accidents are due to precariousness and poor working conditions, and calls on public administrations not to look the other way and put resources in place to take measures to prevent them. CCOO, for its part, has called for strict compliance with the regulations, especially when coordinating the activities of companies, as many of the tragedies occur in workshops where several companies merge.
The reaction of the unions usually occurs when a worker dies. And it is true that the company and the administrations have a serious responsibility in the prevention, inspection of working conditions and in making investments, both by accident and by illness, so that there are no more deaths. However, we must also look at the workers, the works councils and the unions, to see to what extent they are responsible for these deaths.
What do the workers, committees and trade unions themselves do when they see their co-workers working without taking preventive measures? Are they warned and coerced? What do they do when they see the hiring that violates the safety rules? Looking elsewhere because they're not from your company? Companies and administrations are responsible, but workers, committees and trade unions have a responsibility.
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