Precisely, to prevent such attacks, the Germans used guns for almost two years to create an artificial cloud. This chemical cloud contained chlorosulphoric acid, a very corrosive substance.
Researchers at the University of Johannes Gutenberg in Mainz, Germany, have now analyzed the growth rings of the trees in which the boat was anchored: In the years 1943 and 1944, the rings almost disappeared and the trees took 12 years to recover.
The damage of the Second World War is still unsuspected.
Porzheim, Germany, February 23, 1945. About eight o’clock in the evening, Allied planes began bombing the city with incendiary bombs. The attack caused a terrible massacre in a short time. But what happened in Pforzheim was overshadowed by the Allied bombing of Dresden a few... [+]
Japan, 6 and 9 August 1945, the United States launched an atomic bomb causing tens of thousands of deaths in Hiroshima and Nagasaki; although there are no precise figures, the most cautious estimates indicate that at least 210,000 people died at the end of that year. But in... [+]
Born 27 June 1944. The German soldiers carried out a raid on a small town of about 80 inhabitants of Zuberoa. Eight people died on the spot and nineteen were arrested, all civilians, nine of whom would be deported and only two would survive from the concentration camps in which... [+]
Normandy. 6 June 1944. They started operation Overlord: Thousands of British, American and Canadian soldiers landed on the beaches of Normandy to drastically change the course of the Second World War and, therefore, history. Or at least that's what we've been told a few days ago,... [+]
Genocide is unfortunately a fashionable word. According to Rafael Lemkin’s definition in 1946, genocide is defined as “actions aimed at the total or partial destruction of a national, ethnic, racial or religious group.” These actions may include “killing the members of... [+]
Karl Adolf Eichmann (Solingen, Imperio alemán, 1906 - Ramdel, Israel, 1962) foi o oficial superior das SS da Alemaña nazi, especialmente coñecido polo seu nomeamento como “responsable loxístico” da chamada Última Solución ou Última Solución. A planificación do... [+]