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"Feminism is not against men, but against patriarchy"

  • Leticia Dolera (Barcelona, 1981) defines herself as “actress, director, feminist and zombie killer”. After a long career as an interpreter, in 2015 he directed his first film and at the end of February he published the book Morder the Apple (Sagarra hozkatu).
Argazkia: Jordi Borrás

When and how did you decide to write the book Morder the apple?Morder the
apple is born of my personal commitment to feminism, the fruit of a natural process. I wanted to put a grain of sand into such a necessary movement in today's society.

What is the purpose of this book?
I've read a lot about feminism in recent years. Personally, the books of Nuria Varela, Ana de Miguel, Kate Millet or Barbijaputa have served me to open my eyes and understand the gender inequality gaps that prevail in the patriarchy. All of these writers have a certain reader, and I thought I could reach another reader. After all, more and more voices come together and more people come together.

In the book you often call the attention of male readers.
Of course, because this fight is also yours. The book serves, on the one hand, for many women who do not have too much connection with feminism, to feel identified with the realities that I explain and awaken their consciousness. But, on the other hand, it seemed important to me to attract the interest of men, giving them the opportunity to put ourselves in our skin and bring us closer to the intimacy of women.

What do you think of the participation of men in feminism?
I'm optimistic. I think the problem is often not understanding the essence of feminism. Machismo has tried to prevent feminism in recent decades, drawing feminism as a struggle of angry women with men. That is why the concept must be clarified: feminism is not against men, but against patriarchy.

Feminism has taken a place at this year’s film festivals. What is the challenge from now on? Not
only cinematography, but culture has to be a pioneer in social change. It is essential to construct a more plural story and to do so it is essential to further promote the view behind the cameras, among them women: if we are half the society, we are also half the intelligence and imagination. The next step is to enrich the cultural story.

Photo: Jordi Borras

You have become the symbol of the fight against sexist aggressions, like many other actors and actresses. Have we made progress on anything?
Thanks to Hollywood's media force, we've begun to break the culture of silence from violations. This is an important step, as what is calmed down is not on the daily agenda. Now we will have to see what we do from now on. And that is that the lack of credibility of the victims is far too strong today.

Denunciation is never an easy decision. Is a new protocol necessary?
No doubt. I am not an expert on this, but it is essential to put an end to the vulnerability that victims have when they report such events. In fact, it's very difficult to report your boss, even more so if you're a woman.

Does film feed the roles of patriarchy?
It is common to look for women with a certain profile: beautiful and sexy. In our country, as in the rest of the trades, the same patterns dominating the patriarcado.Desgraciadamente are repeated, the woman who goes to a job interview will have more points in the decision of her superior if there is attraction.

How can these patterns be changed?
Culture and media. It is common that among the public characters that appear in the media men are white, old and wrinkled hair. Women, on the other hand, always have to be beautiful and young. Through this report, the media conveys the message that beauty is essential to reconcile women and power. The role of the media is crucial. And the same is true of culture.

And what is the place of education in all of this?
Of course, that is also essential. It should be noted that only 7.5% of the characters appearing in the ESO books are women. We have the pressure of role distribution since we're teenagers, and that punishes our self-esteem. We have been robbed of referents and therefore it is more difficult for us to open up.

Often public characters are afraid to immerse themselves in demands like yours. Have you been afraid?
[Silence] I think I've already crossed the red line -- [laughter] I'm simply using the speaker that my profession has given me in favor of a just claim like feminism. So honestly, so far I have not thought about the consequences. As far as I am aware, those of us who are immersed in culture defend freedom of expression and, therefore, also ideological freedom. With fear we will get nowhere, the time has come to reclaim the margin that society deserves.

Iraultza feminista

“Gizon eta emakumeon arteko desberdintasuna sistemikoa denez politikoa ere bada eta, beraz, aldatu daiteke. Artea arriskua da: proba eta hutsegitea da. Beraz, kultura ogibide dugunok bozgorailu bikaina dugu gauzak aldatzeko. Ezinbestekoa da emakumeok beldurra galdu, eta, gizartean merezi dugun tartea aldarrikatzeko legitimatuta sentitzea. Morder la manzana adibide argia da: amildegian behera bota nintzen feminismoaren aldarrikapenean eta sekulako erantzun positiboa eta babesa jaso dut”.

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