2018ko martxoaren 23a
Kate McLean-ek egindako Iruñeko usainen mapa. Zitadelara joan omen zen, irrikaz, belarra, zuhaitzak eta mendiko airea usaintzera.

Spring has brought the issue to my nose. C. worked at various research centers in New York. Bushdid, M. Oh! Magnasco, L.B. Vosshall and A. An article published by scientists Keller in March 2014 in the prestigious “Science Magazine” produced a great stir. The title says it all: “People are able to distinguish more than a trillion odors.” In particular, instead of oler, they say in English “Olfactory stimuli”, that is: olfates. People didn't think their noses were so powerful...

Dr. G. Ohloff said in 1994 Scent and Fragrances: In the book The Fascination of Odors and Their Chemical Perspectives: the characteristic smell of pink (Rosa spp) is generated by the mixture of 275 components, but we only smell some of them. The smell of strawberry (Fragaria vesca) has about 350 ingredients...

It is often said that there are odours that drive us crazy, but there are also others that take advantage of odours. Kate McLean is the Director of the Graphic Design Program at Kent University, Canterbury Christ Church, England. The artist has become a great connoisseur thanks to the odour maps of many cities around the world. The main smells of Edinburgh are beer, grass, sea, fried potato shops and cherry blossoms (Prunus spp). Singapore frangipani loren (Plumaria spp) and jasmin or birch (Jasminun ifficinale). Thai wood and hot wine. Kieb's pine invaded the smells of joy. Amsterdam incense (Sacra Boswellia) and food.

He has also made a map of the smells of Pamplona, in the Mapamundistas project of 2014. I had gone to the Citadel, anxious, to sniff the grass, the trees and the mountain air. If I had gone for a walk to the mountain, what map would I make?