Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

"The pain of 44 years ago continues."

  • Merçona is the sister of Salvador Puig Antich (Barcelona, 1961), executed by the Franco in Model prison in Barcelona, in 1974. At the age of thirteen, he joined in the fight against impunity with his sisters Carme, Imma and Montse, to this day. We've done the interview in the place where his brother was killed.
“Eskolatik atera eta hona etortzen nintzen saltoka, liburuak ekartzen nizkion eta elkarrizketa sakonak izaten genituen pareta hauen artean [hemen, Model espetxean hil zuten bere anaia]” . (Argazkia: Dani Codina)
“Eskolatik atera eta hona etortzen nintzen saltoka, liburuak ekartzen nizkion eta elkarrizketa sakonak izaten genituen pareta hauen artean [hemen, Model espetxean hil zuten bere anaia]” . (Argazkia: Dani Codina)

He has returned several times to Model prison. What do you feel between these walls?
[Pause] I mix my bowels. The walls speak to me...

He was very young when your brother was robbed. How do you remember that time?
Even if it sounds like a lie, I have a lot of warm memories here. My brother's incarceration was an important lesson, and I will say that I assumed it normally. The context was intrinsic, without being aware of gravity, of course. I would leave school and come over here, bring him books and engage in deep conversations between those walls. It was later complicated when she was isolated.

They killed your brother in the room next to us.
Yes, and Salvador did not want us to be there in the twelve hours before the murder. So I have very few memories of that day. It was the state of shock. I had a basketball match. When I got to the track I understood everything, when the coach looked at me with a bad face. I came running to Mola…

He was only thirteen years old. How did this influence your youth?
The time after Salvador's death was very harsh. I didn't understand anything. How can I understand that? I went from one day to the next playing with dolls, to immerse myself in the sad episode that the murder had drawn. The solidarity of the family was fundamental from then on: we formed a compact group. And less bad! Because if you don’t become a fool…

The killings of Franco have gone unpunished, even though the fight against impunity has survived. How do you experience it?
With anger and without understanding too much of what has happened. The worst thing is that what is happening now in Catalonia reminds us again of what we lived four decades ago. The thirst for freedom clashes over and over again with the same monster.

Five months have passed since the political prisoners were imprisoned. There are those who doubt the use of this concept. What do you think?
They are clearly political prisoners! You just have to look at pre-trial detention. Madrid creates and modifies laws for itself. It is clear that they violate the freedom of the imprisoned before the trial is held.

In January, Joseba Asiron transferred to Ada Colau the presidency of the City Network against Francoist Impunity. Have you had enough institutional support over all these years?
In Catalonia yes. ERC tabled a motion in 2002, for example, to review the case. It was decisive, as a team of lawyers worked in the search for funding and in the search for new evidence. The motion was approved with the support of all parties, as well as pp, among others. The door of hope was opened to us, we fulfilled all the requirements, but as in the vote there was a military court, we did not get anything…

Through the Barcelona City Hall, they have drafted the judgment of Puig Antich and filed a complaint against lawyer Carlos Rey, who is currently active. Will anyone be responsible this time? The
problem is that, over time, many of those responsible for Francoism have already died. And this step has been important, because Carlos Rey is alive and active. It is a source of hope for us, although experience has shown us that all the disputes that have been raised so far have not advanced. All that has been presented is in suspense, as the Spanish courts have a licence.

Franco did not collapse and, as a result, the dictator died in bed. Does this have to do with the repressive context that we live in today?
Franco said that he was all well tied and it was therefore clear that he had kept his word. Of course, the context has changed in some things, but unfortunately there are some real estate pillars of the current system. And citizens' rights clash over and over again with those pillars. It seems that in recent years different forms of policy have emerged, but at the same time no one has dared to open the Pandora’s box.

In Catalonia, there are more and more associations and projects arising from the social movement. As well as the Catalan National Congress (ANC), Omnium Cultural or the Platform for Executive Mortgage Damage (PAH), among others. What would Salvador be in?
Surely, if it did not change its character, it would not devote itself to it. Salvador was always immersed in the movements of the base, without organization. I would therefore dare to say that I would continue to fight on its own (laughing).

Borroka bidelagun

“Frankismoak hamahiru urte nituenean ebatsi zidan haurtzaroa, garrotearen bitartez nire anaia erail zutenean. Salvadorren lau arrebetan txikiena naiz eta zailtasunak zailtasun, irmoki jarraitzen dut, nire beste hiru ahizpekin batera, zigorgabetasunaren kontra borrokan. Duela 44 urte ireki ziguten zauriaren minak bere horretan jarraitzen du, eta Kataluniako biztanleen kontrako errepresioak goraka egiten duen testuinguru honetan, sekula baino ozenago aldarrikatuko dugu frankismoaren krimenen inpunitatearen kontrako garrasia”.

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