There are about 3,000 participants, representatives from 119 economies, including 340 political leaders and six G-7 presidents, all but Japan’s, as well as Donald Trump. The goal, despite being disguised each year as beautiful slogans, is to maintain the capitalist system, even though it needs to be changed in the face: to appear more “friendly” and “humane” to maintain the power of the world.
This year has been the “women’s time”. The organization has been criticized for the small number of women, and this year it has been authorised to drive this club exclusively by women. The reason? That one of the central issues is the reduction of the socio-economic barrier between women and men. Norwegian Prime Minister Erna Solberg and Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund, Cristine Lagarde, have been elected. Lagarde has recently pointed out that “the old live too long” and that this is “a risk” to the global economy.
Even if it has become a woman’s face, the capitalist forum will not cease to be capitalist, classicistic and discriminatory, contrary to feminism, social policies and citizenship. Even if it's painted white, the crow is always black, and capitalism is always capitalism. Structure, injustice, fraud and greed. And as an example we have the injustice of Lagarde, proposing that the elderly be liquidated, with the exception of him and his peers. That is what the authorities in Davos are. Thanks to women in another way of thinking about a world in which they prevail!
Duela gutxi think tank izateko jaioa omen den Zedarriak bere 6. txostena aurkeztu zuen. Beren web orrialdean azaltzen dutenaren arabera, zedarriak ebidentea ez den bidea topatzeko erreferentziak dira. Hots, hiru probintzietako jendarteari bidea markatzeko ekimena. Agerraldi... [+]
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An ad jumps on my mobile in a long time. He promises to color my world. They say that with this app I will be able to buy like the millionaires. Cheap products, very cheap, even free. They have played on the marketing target that the sociological historical moment demands. This... [+]
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In mid-January, the Cedarras Forum presented the report Euskadi and the European Union, the shared destiny of prosperity and competitiveness. It contains recommendations for the PPAs, taking as a reference the reports submitted by Draghi and Letta for the European Union.
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