For the third year in a row, the neighbours of the Alavesa town of Barrundia have been able to produce a homemade apple juice and a sweet cider. In 2016 the City Hall renovated and renovated the site already underway in Ozaeta, making available to the citizens the necessary materials and equipment for the elaboration of apple juice. Many have gone through the transformation centre. Every year, more.
Seeing that in Barrundia there was a connection with the apple and that many had apples, the City Hall wanted to take the opportunity and encourage the citizens to make a homemade juice. The previous experience of several people from the municipality in the elaboration of apple juice in Aramaio also contributed to the creation of the project. The machinery of the Ozaeta area consists of crushers for juice making, presses and two pasteurizing pots. They are areas of common use and adapted to the needs of the municipality.
In this year’s campaign, according to the newspaper Noticias de Álava, some 20,000 kilos of apple have been removed from the plant and a total of 11,067 litres have been produced. This year’s harvest has not been the best because of spring frost, so, like last year, the quantity produced has decreased. The City Hall has shown satisfaction with the use of the installation by 70 groups of Barrundia and surrounding villages, and has underlined the good relationship and good atmosphere generated around apple juice.
The Barrundia Economate is a project that works on local consumption, agriculture and food sovereignty. In addition to selling local and quality products, they organise other types of activities, and this year they have also worked on the organisation and coordination of the processing area. One person from Ekonomato has been responsible for ensuring the proper use and maintenance of municipal infrastructures, so that next year they will continue to juice the area of Ozaeta…
Emakume bakoitzaren errelatotik abiatuta, lurrari eta elikadurari buruzko jakituria kolektibizatu eta sukaldeko iruditegia irauli nahi ditu Ziminttere proiektuak, mahai baten bueltan, sukaldean bertan eta elikagaiak eskutan darabiltzaten bitartean.