In those years it was cold in Durango, all those cold environments that accumulated in the soportal of the market square. We were doing no dismantling at all. Young Euskaltzale, late, and I didn't know the porch. I remember behind the counters, for us, at least for me, it was mythical names the writers and the dynamizers of culture who were closest to saying salespeople, guides in the works. Without a professional merchant, I bought a bunch of novelties, we saw incarnate to the people we knew no more than by signing the papers, and we fired them by giving them a handshake and a cordial greeting. There was no bigger party for us.
He had not missed a year, without him! It was so that I won't forget it, I mean, I won't forgive myself. That in that no mistake, in which one must live unreservedly, when Inazio Lasa Rezola was murdered in Azpeitia, I did not present myself in the municipal plenary that pronounced on him, nor did I justify his absence. I did not attend the funerals of that man, as a neighbor and as a councillor, let alone turn to those of the family a word of consolation. Only the fair in Durango, the importance of his life, had to be there, what to see, what to say, what to listen, what ...
Years of fear had driven me out of the already immensely populated market. If today the needs of the Basque culture would make it better to flee the symbols, I would say that the Durango Fair does not bring anything to it.
One year, we were also squatters with Oh Euzkadi, who we had just published. Take and sell. We sold in five hardships to whom I wanted to buy and gave gifts to the buyer Panpina, Zorion Ustela and Mermelada Ustela. Valuable treasure through today's eyes. We weren't too successful. The shrines of Basque culture said that they were times of approval. Those of us who were in the lobby as a mantero threw us into the street with our newspapers. As long as I live, I will not forget the organizers, an honored and approachable Christian who heated his ears with the tip of his finger towards us. How does my blood warm when I see that Aresti is still fully assimilated, absorbed, absorbed. Vipers, bleached tombs!
I started to cool as the years went by. Years of fear had driven me out of the market, almost, of the immense and populous market. Today, when the needs of the Basque culture would make it better to flee the symbols, I would say that the fair brings nothing to it. The young people have taken over the Holy One imposed on them, and there were also a few, thousands of kalimotxos, millions of slogans, an alcoholic language. This year's news has been purchased for two weeks and I'm reading it in order, out of curiosity, by filing date or by whom.
Nork: Josu Iriarte, Nerea Lizarralde, Jare Torralba eta Amets Larralde. Mikel Martinezek zuzenduta eta Jokin Oregiren testuetatik abiatuta.
Noiz: otsailaren 21ean.
Non: Bilboko 7katu... [+]
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Sonido Muchacho, 2025
Euskal Herrian ez da orain arte horrelako musika elektronikorik egin. Esango nuke Merina Grisek historian euskaraz egin den elektronika eta hyperpop diskorik landuena egin... [+]
Idazketa labana bat da
Annie Ernaux
Itzulpena: Leire Lakasta
Katakrak, 2024
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Gazteagotan baino lotsa handiagoa dauka, baina horrek ez dio saltsa askotan ibiltzeko gogoa kentzen Leire Zabalza Santestebani (Iruñea, 1990). Beste gauza askoren artean, Motxila 21 musika taldeko kidea da. Nabarmendu du musika gauza asko aldarrikatzeko bide izan... [+]
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Bidai on bat
Autoekoizpena, 2024
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