Irantzu Abad [Affected by a medical error]
"All I ask is the compensation that I have to pay for prosthetics for the lost leg."
  • My name is Irantzu Abad Aznarez, I'm from Pamplona and I am 23 years old. I lost my leg when I was 14 because a doctor diagnosed me with the flu instead of meningitis (meningococcal sepsis).
Eider Madina Berasategi @xaukenaxauk 2017ko abenduaren 04a

When I turned 18, I filed a complaint and in July of this year a provisional judgment was issued stating that I was entitled to compensation of EUR 250,000, but I have not yet received any money because the judge and Osasunbidea ask me to make so much money to collect that amount. You know, I'll never be able to put that much money as a guarantee, and less so now that I'm a student.

I need a new prosthesis because the old one has started to hurt me, but I don't have any money. I have been with this for three years and recommend that it should not last for more than two years. I also tore the other leg and broke many fingers bones.

It all started in Christmas 2008, at that time I lived in a protective house under the supervision of the Government of Navarra and became very weak to buy gifts for Olentzero. I had a lot of pain in my neck and legs, especially. The educators took me to the doctor at the Primary Care Service and the doctor, without looking at my neck or my legs, sent me home after having tried the box of paracetamol. He told me that it would be the flu and that it would happen to me within eight days, without taking into account that there was then an outbreak of meningitis among the young. I spent a very bad night, flushing with fever, throwing up and hurting both my neck and legs. I felt a strange stiffness in my head, and an educator recommended that I get in the shower, hoping to get down to the heat.

The next day I was worse and, seeing that I couldn't get up, I was taken to the emergency room in an ambulance. He had a fever of 40.5 degrees and felt like nails in his legs, terrible pain. There I was seen with my legs swollen in black, so I cut my clothes with scissors, put on a gastric tube and instantly I was admitted to the hospital. I spent a few days in a state of great anxiety, because the disease spread at full speed. Every hour passes, the limb is getting more and more damaged in the limbs and, in addition to the blackened leg, I got to some fingers of my hand, as if it were symptoms of frostbite. I was about to die, with the vital organs damaged, the kidneys stopped and the lungs filled with fluid. On December 24, they told the relatives that I was going to go ahead. I don't have too many memories of those days, but I know I was terribly scared to see my mother's black legs and face. I don't know if I'll forget those images.

I stayed in the hospital until March, but I underwent two or three more years of surgery and medical treatment. When I went back to school, I was bullied by a number of my peers and I decided to leave school. It's been a difficult process, the psychologist and the surgeon have helped me a lot, but I still sometimes have anxiety.

I started as a waitress in a bar, but for the third day I had to leave work because of the pain of my legs. I have been recognised as having a disability rating of 66% but I do not receive any pension. Nor have I been given the parking card, claiming that I can walk on foot. I decided then that I should continue studying and, with the help of a private professor, in six months I got the 3rd and 4.mailak of the ESO. The Department of Education itself awarded me a prize for that. Currently I am studying a Middle Degree Training Cycle, the idea is that it then becomes a Higher Degree and later perhaps University Studies. I'd like to study medicine, even for personal satisfaction.

If they had caught me before, maybe now I would have my two legs, or at least my effects would be smaller. The doctor who treated me at the Primary Care Service was not dismissed, he's already retired, but I'd like to say he was wrong in the face.

I believe that anyone who has lost his hand, arm or leg to illness, professional recklessness or accident should be entitled to a substitute. But today, unfortunately, only those who have money can do so. The law governing aid to orthopedics in Navarre (Foral Decree 17/1998) is very obsolete almost 20 years ago, and the amounts recorded in pesetas are those that receive, ridiculously, in euros. Furthermore, they do not depend on income, and that is not fair.

I had to follow the judgment of my case as a spectator, and I was not given the opportunity to testify. The lawyer takes the case and I've met with some politicians, but they don't give me a solution. I would be grateful if you would tell me that you would help me resolve the matter. I'm not asking for a loan on a whim, but to pay prosthetics for the lost leg for a medical defect, by the social services.