Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

From the Russian revolution to the anti-capitalist revolution

  • The press has reminded us of the historic date of the Russian revolution of 1917.

As most of this press depends on economic and political power, the revolution has been disqualified and banished. For them, that movement, which was antisocial and antisocial, has referred to terror, repression and totalitarianism, among other issues. They say the revolution was absolutely negative -- but like every revolution, it has dark and positive aspects.

The Russian revolution of a hundred years ago, despite its mistakes and its negative consequences, has been a fundamental change for the world. The fall of the Russian monarchy and the Archaic State gave a clear message: we can transform and transform society. To do so, it is necessary to have will and resources. With the revolution, it was possible to put an end to the domination of a few families over the citizens.

As did Russian feudalism, today capitalism continues to impose the economic power of a few in the majority, few families use regular political governments. Wealth accumulation, social exclusion, precariousness, poverty, inequality, wars, arms race, political and economic migration, torture, prison, exile... All of them are merely practical consequences. In order to defeat capitalism, a new revolution is needed that will bring about the radical transformation of society. How do you do it? Political, trade union and social movements have in their hands to develop a roadmap that protects the majority of citizens. Taking steps together and united, we can bring down that modern feudalism.

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