Without knowing what will happen (I am writing this article on 22 October), there are clear things about the question of Catalonia. Among others, the following:
First: Catalonia, regardless of whether or not it achieves independence, has earned the right to independence. The institutions and citizens of Catalonia have shown very well that they are able to organise themselves as a people – to a greater extent than many independent countries for a long time.
They know how to fight without addressing violence and, as far as possible, they are being flexible and able to act with both flexibility and solidity, turning discrepancies into political instruments, combining spontaneity and planning to respond to the needs of the moment, without giving up, in its abrupt path, neither humor, nor plurality, nor the cultural attachment that has always been proud.
Second: It says that the State called Spain knows nothing more than a principal way of acting, such as the one it intends to inevitably retain its members in a family, without offering anything but a gesture of sorrow, always pulling back, stiff and retracted before any negotiation. From the historical point of view, it is noteworthy not to realize that this path is sterile, that sooner or later it will be mistaken and that it only generates suffering and distress.
We have not gone fine, as a people, to realize in time the path taken by the Catalans for a long time. Many of us have realised a little late in the day. But the time has come to tackle more effective solidarity initiatives.
Thirdly, the true nature of all the countries we call Europe has been highlighted once again. This is not the first time since we have seen many examples in recent years: Greece, the refugee crisis and now Catalonia. It is a long way from that European dream, warm and utopian – in which the goodness of democracy and human rights must be confused – in which we were sold the current and interested European order – which only wants to leave things when they are, for the benefit of a few –.
{\b Fourth}: It is to be welcomed that Catalan practice has revealed many other things, among which are already known in Euskal Herria, such as the great deficiencies and many false beliefs that exist in Spain (and in Europe) in terms of human rights and democracy.
And the fifth: we have not walked fine as a people to realize in time the path taken by the Catalans for a long time. Many of us have realised the reality of it – unfortunately, many of them only drink from sources with a central view of Madrid. But the time has come to address more effective solidarity initiatives. The Basque parties that are defined as abertzales or progressive should not leave Catalonia isolated in any conflict of laws and should act in favour of Catalonia. Like the Catalans, peacefully but firmly.