Fall fire, in a town where one in five voted for the AfD party. With the union, East Germany lost something. Losing my religion. Three friends and friends have started singing more than the song's motto. Our children look at us curiously, excited, uncomfortable. Was there a neighborhood modesty at the cocktail of his eyes? Probably. The age of the children is not enough to know where the song led us: Adolescence and the sensations of the time of 12-15 years. Mismatch, internal and external wars, loneliness and dreams, unanswered love and the environment that doesn't listen. A spark of music is the one that has evoked the memory of a fire of the past, his for each one. Some will hear Led Zeppelin or Iggy Pop, others with the successes of Hertzainak or Negu.
It is said that it was heard in Barcelona they will not pass, addressed to the police. 80 years of separation between the Republic that defended itself and the one that wishes to be declared. If Franco is about to end. If it is lawful to remember the Civil War, if it is lawful to make such use of the past. Some say no, firmly. Nazism is also over, and in Germany it is demanded that not everything that compares with the Nazis be done, please do not compare.
Sometimes we hear a music and the mind sets bonds. Sometimes a conflict of the past, a fight, jumps us in the eye like a spark. And maybe it illuminates the image of a possible future. It seems that Europe needs a new image.
Catalonia puts us looking long term, back and forth. The crisis created by Spain cannot be separated from the crisis situation that the European Union is experiencing. Those who want a Europe of the peoples look with hope at Catalonia, while those who send in the Europe of the nation states look with concern.
This is not the first time that a focused movement has shaken Europe. I'm going to take a big leap of time into 1871, which is: Europe, for other reasons, was afraid of the Paris Commune. Live the Commune! Even those who claimed it rescued the commune term from the music of the past, along with the word Citoyenne, making a direct reference to the time of the French revolution. In this demand for local autonomy, not everyone understood the same thing: decentralization, self-management, federalism ... Its revolution was projected on an international scale and was demonized by the European press. With the help of Germany, France was able to step on the Paris Commune in a few days.
In the international press, Catalonia has not been treated in a completely wrong way. However, in the case of Germany, in general, events have become known by offering an insufficient context. One of the journalists described as farce the reuse of the motto No Will Pass and denounced that the Catalans make an aggressive use of the Civil War. But who are the farsantes? I remember one of Marx's most well-known phrases. And he says, in Hegel's thesis, that history is repeated twice: one as a tragedy and another as a farce. If the perpetrators of the tragedy are far-fetched in the second round, that is, if they give the impression of something that is not, in the case of Spain, they are wearing Democratic dresses.
From generation to generation, often within the family, certain reasons pass. At this time when Europe is on fire, sparks are showing us from different passages in different places.
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