The offensive is unprecedented and, as a warning to the Basques, is being carried out to asphyxiate and frighten the citizens of Catalonia. Government, monarchy, courts, tribunals, policemen… All one so that the will of the people is not known and accepted.
Faced with the firmness of the Catalan people and their government, it is now the turn of the economic sector, with the banks in the lead; it is a remote attack from La Moncloa and La Zarzuela. It has been announced to the four winds that Sabadell, Caixa Bank and Gas Natural will leave their headquarters in Catalonia, and that other companies, such as Codorniu and Freixenet, can also do the same. The International Monetary Fund and the international agencies are along the same lines. In this context, the anti-Castro media front has used words such as "terror" or "entrepreneurial exodus" and has highlighted that in Catalonia employment is at risk. It is part of the strategy of fear to scare the Catalans before a possible declaration of independence.
However, if independence is proclaimed, after a short period of time those companies and banks will return, because in that future republic they have business, because there are very good professionals, and also labor, and because their economic interests are there. Now they have to put fear in, because that is what they are asked for from the political power. After the storm and when it is seen that this pressure is useless, they will return to where they get good results for their accounts. Capital has no homeland, it feeds on each of them. You will see with time!
Abokatua, aktibista soziala eta Espainiako Kongresuko diputatua da Jaume Asens (Bartzelona, 1972). Urtarrilaz geroztik, Pablo Iglesias ordezkatu du Unidas Podemos talde parlamentario konfederalaren presidentetzan. Abokatu gisa, giza eskubideen eta mugimendu sozialen defentsak... [+]