Readers asking
  • Hi Jakoba. We have a hazelnut tree and each year it has many specimens, but as they arrive they all fall with a small hole, “empty”, rotten... What can it be? It's next to apples and plums. Ana Zarandona (Etxebarria)
Jakoba Errekondo 2017ko irailaren 26a
Hurraren gurgurioa, Curculio nucum. (Arg.: ©entomart)
Hurraren gurgurioa, Curculio nucum. (Arg.: ©entomart)

Hi Ana. It's the guru of Hurra, Curculio nucum. It's Hurra's biggest problem. It's a little insect. Winter passes underground in the form of a worm, comes out as it has come in spring and feeds on small hazelnuts and new leaves and sprouts. Between May and September, adults expect to introduce new eggs into tender hazelnuts, one for each. There, a worm will be formed and the hazelnut will be eaten inside. Then they will dig a hole and go to bury to spend the winter. In the subsoil they can stay for up to three years. They like wet and fresh places.

It's not easy to fight. Treatments should be done when the insect is laying eggs, ecological: “Neem” oil + soap. At other times, in the early morning or in the evening, when the heat was more intense, the branches of the hazelnut were shaken under a white sheet to collect the gorgojos and kill them.

It is said that oranges are cut in half between the branches and that in them they are allowed to suck for a long time, giving the opportunity to take them...