The campaigns against this tourism model, the images of airports and stations filled with people, the beaches that have taken the line of cities… lead us to think about it. And in this way another message has spread: that we are overcoming the economic crisis. But the reality is stubborn, and official statistics lie down.
It is true that millions of people are moving and enjoying holiday tourism. Yes, but it is only a small part of the population, and it is almost always the same people who can have summer, Christmas or Easter breaks. Many more people suffer from unemployment, poverty, hunger and social exclusion. It is a consequence of the imbalances generated by the capitalist system that governs. One in three citizens of the European Union (EU), 32.9%, could not enjoy a holiday week in 2016, much less outside their place of residence, according to the Community statistical office Eurostat. In the case of the Spanish state 40.3% and in France 23.4%. This population includes pensioners with destitute payrolls, unemployed women, couples living in their parents' homes, precarious workers and immigrants.
The economy of large numbers, that of large companies and multinationals, as well as the virtual world of the Stock Exchange, is improving. At the expense of precarious employment and frozen pensions. In short, it is a further consequence of the structural imbalance generated by the current capitalist system. Holidays and tourism are nothing but chimeras. The crisis continues to punish those who have always been.
Departamenduko Laborantza Ganbarako hauteskundeen kanpaina abiatu da. Urtarrilaren 14an bozetara aurkezten diren hiru sindikatuen ordezkariekin bi oreneko eztabaida sakona antolatu zuten Euskal Hedabideek, osoki euskaraz.
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