Mid-term legislative term
Kike Diez de Ultzurrun 2017ko maiatzaren 23a

It's been two years. The first year, dubious. The second, more consistent, especially since autumn. As the quadripartite government in Navarre consolidates, the opposition becomes more nervous, shouting, lying, insulting, threatening, including the socialist party. The vast majority of Navarros socialists have been in favour of Pedro Sánchez. Imagine. Despite the worrying attitude of the opposition, what has just happened in the municipal government team of Pamplona is more worrying, as this can erode in half the change in the capital and, therefore, also in Navarra. It is no wonder that there are discrepancies between one and the other and that there is no point of view on all issues. The Government has a commission to conduct the deliberations. In the City of Pamplona no. Thus, two of the four forces that are governing the City Hall – Left/Ezkerra and Aranzadi – issued a note to the media last day announcing that the government team was in crisis and seemed ready to break the pact between the four. But the next day it was said that there was no crisis. No! It has long been said and demonstrated that the bitter atmosphere, rivalry, impotence and intrigues do not lead to any satisfactory solution. In addition, Pamplona/Iruña is also opening its way to change, and that is clear.

However, in the equator of the legislature, in the Government of Navarre (and also in the municipalities) everyone is attentive to what the PNV agreement can bring to Navarre with pp. We have heard a great many and two voices against the agreement between the majority of the media and politicians of the state. Several political representatives of the CAV have also opposed this measure, at least in the face of the microphones of the Basque House. And also some angry citizens have been raging at the batzokis. In Navarre, however, the perspective is different. UPN, of course, is the envy of the agreement, even if he has never recognized it, because he has never achieved it in Madrid for Navarra. And the representatives of the forces of change say that it would be nothing wrong if Navarre could also allocate more money to consolidate the same change, because that money will be the airway for the government and for the municipalities. GEROA Bai has said it aloud, while three other forces have done it quietly, because it is not plausible to say one thing there and here quite the opposite. In fact, the PNV and pp have agreed in their agreement on all the issues that they have listed, and, it is believed, also those that they have not counted. In other words, other issues have also been mentioned and others have been agreed, among them things that have to do with Navarre, as we will know in the coming weeks.