Ice in the wood
  • Ice has done its own thing: evil. At the end of April there have been large white ice cream which has not been seen for a long time. A work of satin but in sight, without any shame: cunning. It has rained terribly in the south of Euskal Herria.
Jakoba Errekondo 2017ko maiatzaren 23a
(Argazkia: Estibalitz Besa)
(Argazkia: Estibalitz Besa)

White ice is about freezing the water in the air and spreading it over plants and land. It is not bad in itself, when it occurs and in what situation the vegetation reaches. In raw winter, if the plants are placed in that state, that is, cold and cold, the damage is scarce. The plants have been prepared for winter, with hardened shells, stems and empty branches of sweat and eyes that will give new outbreaks protected by a bouquet of scales. This is what the vine (Vitis vinifera) says: that it washes the ice of the eyelashes and the coconut, juicy and stubborn. No damage, because ice does a great service in winter.

What has happened this year is the barrel of the other pot. In winter it was cold, but its end and spring ran through the heat and the earth. With this succession, the plants have moved at full speed, opening the eye outbreaks quickly to give new bids and start the season. The season begins with strength and in the outbreaks the flowers open, which will then materialize in the fruits. If the ice has just caught its eye a little open and burns the new tip of the outbreak, it is poorly drained, but if, carelessly, the outbreak is brought forward and you discover the open flowers, the ice will burn all the outbreaks and all the hopes of the year. This has happened in the Rioja Alavesa. As if it were not enough, the sun came, which increased the damage, because the tips of the vineyards, covered in ice, had been lulled with all its strength. This caused a sudden change from cold to heat and aggravated the evil. A fallen and crossed tree.

Now, with the almost lost flowering, the grapes will be scarce, and the vine will launch new pujas everywhere. This will give work, knowing that there will be no harvest. The winegrower's effort, burning the burns, is to channel the future of the grapes as rich as possible. The vinatero, on the other hand, find the best grapes somewhere.

With this spring, the prices of wine from previous years in wineries and grapes from vineyards that have not suffered damage are soaring.