Man came to America before he thought
  • That's at least what the bones of the mastodon found on a freeway that was built in 1992 near San Diego (US) indicate. These bones have the marks of having been broken with stones in recently deceased animals, in order to remove the bone marrow. In addition, they also found stones on the lateral side that were used as an anvil and hammer, which caused a great humareda.
Nagore Irazustabarrena Uranga @irazustabarrena 2017ko maiatzaren 10a
(Arg.: San Diegoko Historia Naturaleko Museoa)
(Arg.: San Diegoko Historia Naturaleko Museoa)

This is a method based on the decomposition of uranium atoms to date the fingerprints and the result indicates that they are 130,000 years old. According to experts, these brands should be created by hominids (humans and Denisova Neanderthals). Tests found so far indicated that modern man arrived in America 15,000 years ago.