What encourages you to make music? You're continuously creating new projects...
Making music is a necessity for me. I've never put myself to write, the body asks me. I've met wonderful people and children, I've been with big... I'm a little motionless and I get into a lot of projects and then drown. So now I've left most of the projects, I'm not going to be able to go from Cabezafuego.
How do you write songs? Humor and nostalgia are always present...
My usual obsession is understanding what I mean. I don't stand the flared words of the indie, nor the pure poetry of so many. Humor is basic and natural. And nostalgia also has a lot of weight. At the age of 40, what we lived is an anchor to talk about today's things; we're memory pits.
“They said ‘You have talent’ to me after the bleaches snished me with quality coca.” What's the value meter of a song?
I'm very critical of myself. Now I'm glad people see my songs at concerts. I get the words from the Pelah of Sumision City Blues, but it's one of the few. On the contrary, seeing a 40-year-old man cry on a direct account of Mr Chinarro seems exaggerated to me. And the same would say if it were Bob Dylan. Pop or rock is just fun.
This trade is roulette: On tour of Japan with Atom Rhumba, the squares filled with Bizardunak, small concerts...
My day to day are little concerts. We were in five-star hotels in Japan, we attended people's concerts -- but a week later we had to play at a festival in Galicia without an audience at eight in the morning.
The record has been named We Are Drugs and it is not a topic to say that in Mermaid's time, for example, drugs were very present.
Yes. We were proud, we're standing up for cool kids and drug addicts, and it worked somehow because the media went from being unknown to hearing us. It was our day to day. 20 years doing half-day work... And the music we were doing was influenced by drugs.
“I’ve spent 20 years trying to make a rock-and-roll album and I haven’t succeeded. So now I’ve made the Martian album.”
What's on the stage?
I went crazy in 5th OHO: to do the playback I chose a Single from Demis Roussos that I had at home. I climbed to the tables, kneeling down to the ground -- I got excited, feeling that everybody applauded for the first time, that electricity and that energy that's generated. But you have to be very careful, distance yourself from what people tell you. Instead, I'm really glad when the kids tell me that the neck vein is in sight that Bizardunak has been a great thing, because they remind me of what we've lived with Eskorbuto.
You're fed up with following the rock-and-roll pattern...
I hear rocanrol, not a disgusting indie, not an emotional garbage. But I've spent 20 years trying to make a rock and roll disc, and I haven't succeeded. So I have now made a Martian album and I am very happy. Live, though, I take my pop melodies to rock and roll.
Have you had anything to do with making the album at home?
Yes. I've done the album with Dani Ulecia (The Killer Swing). We've spent a lot of time working between the two. Our Color Hits as a Partnership! We've recorded it in study; it's a space to bring many musicians together and do unusual things.
With what purpose did they get off Mount Bizardunak?
If the group had created it at earlier ages, half would be dead and the other with AIDS. The group was formed with the friends of the crew and some had no experience at all. The gang was a great dinner and we passed the violent disputes that took place around the table to the music. We had a great time.
We call you traditionalists, but the most disruptive and unusual projects born in the Basque scene in recent decades have come from Navarra...
Great stones have emerged here. The creation of Huajolote, Los Bichos, Lexiviados Jugos, Bizardunak, etc. in the same city is very special! The Navarros are very furious, we have spent hundreds and hundreds of years trampled on, and yet we are still not hungry. They went down to the Ribera and their “cowboys” are saved, as in the North; and Pamplona was not until recently a city, each neighborhood was a forest.
What's left of Iñigo started in Half Foot Outside music?
Not even the bass, because they stole me with Atom Rhumba in Barcelona. We spent the whole afternoon in police stations explaining what was going on, and at the end they left me a little ugly heavy.
Then you stood on your back and you became fashionable.
Fuck! In the concerts of the separatists a lot of people got angry! Mikel Bap preferred the faces of the viewers! And watch giant Felix Buff batteries!
Is that why it was worth creating Separatists?
It was worth it because in one day we created 16 songs improvising eight musicians in Bonberenea.
Half Foot Outside if you had childhood, Mermaid adolescence and Cabezafuego maturity. What will your music be like in old age?
R Stevie Moore. He's an old man who does a lot of nonsense. I'd like to write pop music, a little bit of a punch, and hang songs on the net without the need for live action.
Many times I've taken you by a comic book character and now you've published a comic book album.
The Madrid DIBUJANTE David Molina has been the driving force behind the initiative, which has been rejected. He proposed to us that Huajolote make a tape similar to the one they had at TMEO with passages and curiosities from Bizardunak. We liked the idea, we picked up and drawn the passages but... we didn't do anything. He later invited me to a party and there I met Mauro Entrialgo, Victor Coyote... and they have made a collection of comics based on my songs. We've published the CD-ROM between Autsaider Comic and us.
Basque Country Herriko Gazte Orkestra. Winter Meeting
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Narrator: Kepa Errasti.
Programme: Works by Britt and Beethoven.
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Day: 2 January.
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Where: Bilbao in the Arena.
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