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Portrait of the Biscayan oligarchy

  • If I had taken a picture of the Biscayan oligarchy in Neguri in the 1960s, I would have been told that I am demagogue and drowning.

However, there is a member of the five hundred families that formed the oligarchy, who has offered a real portrait in 12 pages. Pedro Ibarra has written Report of the anti-Francoism in the Basque Country. It is an important book because it offers his testimony and that of his partner, Carmen Oriol, both from the oligarchy, explaining his militant and anti-Francoist commitment, but also because it contributes to knowing Neguri's economic, political and social elite. The conduct and moral codes of those who think they are above and privileged, the influence of National Catholicism, the political attitude of defense of their economic interests within Franco, the contempt for culture… All of this configures the portrait of a society. Pedro and Carmen dared to leave there, in the opposite direction, next to the working class.

They came out of the crudest oligarchy. “The few families who ruled in Bizkaia – says Ibarra – had political and economic power. They dominated directly in the big industry (electricity, steel, chemical industry, mining) and also in the big banks. And they governed indirectly, sometimes without intermediaries, in politics and during the Franco dictatorship. They also ruled in the few media that existed. That is, money was theirs, power and dominant ideology.”

And that oligarchy, let us not forget – I would add – is also alive and active, whether in Neguri or in other “quieter” places.

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