Since its appearance in public in 2009, the tireless Vendetta group has travelled an endless number of kilometres. Those kilometers are also experiences.
What they're wearing in their backpack is being exposed here and there. Thus, the Quinteto, despite having created the ska at the root, has always tried to reinvent it and work different sonorities: ska, rock, latino, half-tempos, hit!...
Why have you decided to do a trilogy? What is the story behind it? What purpose does it have?
In presenting the trilogy of the video clips, it was intended to do something that was not common: to give more, one more turn. We have also wanted the videos, individually, to be spectacular, something “modern”, with effects, as in the case of the Bother album.
We are very pleased with the work done by the producer Taom. As for the story, and if you've seen the first video, there's a capsule that's on hand. That's where trilogy comes from. What will that capsule store?
“It would bring the habit of going to concerts from abroad; people of all ages meet to watch and dance”
How will you structure trilogy?
The first video is on the street since last November. We made a special presentation at the Kafe Antzokia in Bilbao, where you could see the three videos. The other two have been made for a long time, and the second one is released shortly. Third, later.
Bother. Who do you want to disturb?
We want to shake our consciences, our thoughts. People have to think, mobilize and get involved in society. Today, everything is becoming very individualistic, society does not react.
What comes to mind for the first time when thinking about the creation and development of Bother?
A lot of work in just over a year. Many groups pause to compose and record, but that's not the case with Vendetta.
We usually compose, rehearse, record videos and all that while we're on tour, non-stop. We like this crazy point.
The aesthetic of the disc is futuristic and apocalyptic. What have you wanted to represent, a police state inspired by fear?
Oops! Because I hear this "Fear-Based Police State," too well known for good. By watching the first video, that can come to the viewer’s head, but wait for the other two videos! [Laughs].
In my opinion, the SKA base is gaining weight; it is present in almost every song, accommodating other styles of the past. What do you say?
You're absolutely right. Bother is the one with the most ska on all Vendetta discs. Pello and Jabiero are in charge of making the songs, and the albums reflect what comes out naturally. We had a lot of songs, but then we did the vote, and we all decided which songs to put in and which ones to not. This is undoubtedly the ska disco, which allows us to transmit music through oral communication.
The biggest novelty is the use of electronics. Why? It's curious ...
On the front lines of the Kamikaze Tour we started playing with the electronics and we liked it. It seemed to us to give him strength. So we think it's a good idea to mix ska music with electronic touches. But we knew it was a prudent job, so that it wasn't excessive. Pello has taken on the hard task of merging the two styles, as on this occasion he has worked as a producer of the album. We are very pleased with the result.
“During the tour we usually compose, rehearse and record videos without stopping. We like that point of madness.”
Is the deepening of the Dub or the bailability of electronics more attractive to you?
Both. Evolution is present in all our records and it's interesting to explore in dub. In addition, the same ska is quite dancing and if you put a little bit of electronics in it, isn't it?
Ez I'll come back, Whoever leaves doesn't come back. He's back to the nest without exploding... Leave, the difficulty of coming back... they are very present on the disk. Do you remember the emigration, the refugees?
Yes. It's a song by Jabier, he has close friends who are immigrants. We all know that the situation of migrants has been very harsh for a long time: the treatment given to them is not appropriate either by society or by the institutions. We don't have memory, we don't remember when our grandparents had to migrate for one reason or another.
You travel a lot... What did you find out? What can we learn or bring from the outside?
It would bring out the habit of attending concerts. It doesn't matter if you're in a room, in a plaza, or in a busy house. In France, Switzerland and Germany, for example, there are people of all ages who are going to watch concerts and dance. How concerts live in Latin America is impressive: they are very funny, they look like football hooligans. In Argentina, it's amazing to see the audience singing and dancing, ufa! I was getting goosebumps when I remember.
“This hard work of combining electronics and ska has been taken by Pello, who has worked as a disc producer”
They appear on the album Euskal Herria and in many Basque personalities. Want to show what we are and what we have outside as well?
We touch anywhere, we always keep in mind where we came from. As a musical group, this commitment is essential. We try to make it clear what Euskal Herria is, what Basque culture and nature are, and where Euskal Herria is, where we go, whether it is Madrid or Buenos Aires.
In that sense, Batasuna seemed to me to be an innovative song both in terms of music and words. Do you agree?
Yes, it is a curious and strong song, it has the strength that gives the union. Because the Basque identity that you mentioned has to be more united than ever before in order to deal with external agents.
You combine more and more languages, many times in the same song. Do you want to multiply the message? Promoting cultural diversity?
We always mix languages, but you're right, on this album it's more obvious. We like it a lot because it's richer in sonority, and if that helps to multiply the message, better!
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