Aware of the diversity of opinions in the debate on school canteens, the proponents of the initiative have chosen from the outset to seek the minimum consensus that would allow the greatest possible strength to be gathered. “Instead of opposing something, our idea is to wager on what is best suited to the development of boys and girls,” says Azpiri.
With this objective in the city centre, they have organised a manifesto of four points:
1. Children have the right to a healthy diet.
2nd Food must be adequate not only in quantity, but also in quality.
3. The products of proximity and season are the most suitable for the development of the child.
4. In order for products to maintain their properties, they must be prepared immediately.
After collecting the manifesto, they went to the AMPA for adhesions. They got the support of nine of the region.
“The benefits of using local and seasonal food in dining rooms are not limited to child development: it would boost producers in the primary sector of the environment, boost the local economy, maintain our culture, reduce pollution…”. The benefits would be obvious, as Azpiri explained.
After receiving the support of the parent associations, the initiative members addressed the producers. They first received the support of the EHNE trade union, the organic farming association ENEEK and the baserritarras of the market place of Durango. Subsequently, they achieved the adhesion of the educational agents: BIGE, EHIGE, Sortzen and Ikasle Abertzaleak; and finally, the trade unions: ELA, LAB, ESK, STEE-EILAS and UGT.
With broad social support, the members of Berton Bertokoa have enough strength to continue working. “Until local products are prepared in our canteens, we will continue to work.”
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