“Oratorio Empresarial”. I found that curious title in the Inbox. This is the course that the Garaion Association of Ozaeta (Álava) has launched between 17 December and 18 January. Under the subtitle “New opportunities for green architecture and design”, for the unemployed and unemployed.
“Before plastic arrived in Euskal Herria, it was a very important task to elaborate baskets, and one of the objectives of the course is to recover and give new ways,” says Amaia Gabilondo, a member of the Garaion Association. The participants will learn different techniques of “sewing” depending on the material used: wicker, avellano, chestnut, straw… there are many plants that can be used in the elaboration of baskets.
Once you have learned the basic techniques of “sewing”, the students will make fences. Enclosed with wicker, chabolas, shadow corners, shelters, igloos… have created many forms and structures since before Garaion. “During the last three days of the course we will do our project in a school playground, now we are thinking, debating and designing what we are going to build,” explains Gabilondo. In addition, they will have the opportunity to collaborate with international artisans and artists.
The Garaion Association of Ozaeta was established eight years ago, although it had been launched earlier. Since its inception, the main objective has been to foster contact with nature, to socialize and stimulate creativity in people and to value the social patrimony (Auzolana, Euskera, old professions…). Since then, dozens of activities, courses, workshops and activities have been organized. For example, the Agroecology course, which is organized every year, has been launched since 19 December.
“We visited many farmers to learn first-hand about their experiences and see the lives of today’s peasants,” explains Gabilondo. The leader of Garaikoetxea also referred to the lack of recognition they suffer in today’s society.
More recently, special emphasis is being placed on creation: “Sorgingunea (Space for Creators) is a space open to people who create or want to create in Basque. To come to rehearse or to live there the creative processes, the doors of our house are open,” explains Gabilondo with enthusiasm.
Iruñean bizi ziren Iñaki Zoko Lamarka eta Andoni Arizkuren Eseberri gazteak, baina familiaren herriarekin, Otsagabiarekin, lotura estua zuten biek betidanik. “Lehen, asteburuetan eta udan etortzen ginen eta duela urte batzuk bizitzera etorri ginen”, dio... [+]
Gipuzkoako hamaika txokotatik gerturatutako hamarka lagun elkartu ziren otsailaren 23an Amillubiko lehen auzo(p)lanera. Biolur elkarteak bultzatutako proiektu kolektiboa da Amillubi, agroekologian sakontzeko eta Gipuzkoako etorkizuneko elikadura erronkei heltzeko asmoz Zestoako... [+]
Emakume bakoitzaren errelatotik abiatuta, lurrari eta elikadurari buruzko jakituria kolektibizatu eta sukaldeko iruditegia irauli nahi ditu Ziminttere proiektuak, mahai baten bueltan, sukaldean bertan eta elikagaiak eskutan darabiltzaten bitartean.