Euskaldun go!
Angel Erro @angelerro 2017ko urtarrilaren 02a
Antton Olariaga

A few months ago, a former friend of Erdal or, if you will, a former friend of Erdaldun asked me to start speaking in Basque together. If at first I became weird, I've endured it. I've lived through their progress as if they were mine. I have been very happy to see how the increasingly appropriate means of expressing my thoughts are found, not only because I can share the weight of the conversation in a more balanced way, but also because the level of issues has increased as the issues left by complexity recover. * * *
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A presumed interested party has asked me which apps (apps) are available in the Basque country. For example, to learn the language. It surprised me offside and I didn't know what to answer. I promised to document myself. I have seen that the fun and free application of Duolín (as he describes himself) allows you to learn several languages. Do not Euskera. Yes, for example Catalan or Guarani. * * *
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When I was thinking about the application that Euskera should have, I learned that they invented a Confessor Go by which Roman Catholic believers can locate the priests of their faith in order to receive the Sacrament of Confession at any time. The temptation has been great and, as it is free, I downloaded it on the mobile, where, in order to access the new application, I had to uninstall another, at least during the experiment. What has been taken away looks a little bit like the new. To dispel my repentance, I thought that if I end my confession, I will get rid of my penance.

I opened the screen and the app asked me if I wanted to register as a priest or declarant. If I have come to the first option, I will have to validate the status of a priest, I suppose with the necessary documents, in some of the offices that tell me the application itself. I turned and walked into a sinner in the street. That is why nothing has to be demonstrated. The free high priest is eight kilometers away. The map offers you a path up there, I don't miss you. Some priests, apparently, can see the profile, with a photo, the origin and year of birth and of cure. They're farther away, but they give more possibilities to the imagination to guess what is the most lenient thing that shows up with sins, or what is done with new ones or what becomes more open.
**My friend recriminates me
that if you did one of these, I would be the first to object, to use ironically, to write a malicious column. Even though I conceived it in the third wine, I want to protect my creature from myself as well. I have therefore exasperated his negative image of me. How would you take such an application to contact the new Euskaldunes who want to practise their language with the most expert vasco-speakers? I would call myself a boring place or a Saturday night without a plan and, instead of doing it live, so that the subsequent meeting would not be so cold, if I had the opportunity to chat frivolously, much better. “What are you looking for? Receiver or receiver?” I can't be serious about myself. * * *
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I've come to the direction of the app and it's been easier than it was thought to make the carefree clerk believe that I'm a Roman Catholic priest. As soon as I could, he asked me to send him the record of my ecclesiastical district. However, he gave me the code. In the profile I have written “the Euskaldun adaptative”.