We like documentaries based on search: The film Emak Bakia Baita by Oskar Alegria, with the aim of finding a mysterious house in Biarritz, fascinated us; the prima opera Carta astrala has not failed us. The gender key endorses the films: the search process that compliments the viewer; the obstacles, uncertainties and curves of the road; the tension that keeps history with the curiosity of knowing if it will find what it is looking for… And the result is fresh and natural, even the protagonist (I have been told that it will start to be a serious actor!”, says Maite Bidart). The people who have accompanied him along the way have also dedicated themselves to the narration as if there were no cameras, among which the visit to the woman expert in astral charts stands out. It's noticeable that they've stepped in an atmosphere of trust, that the frustration in the search has enjoyed the frustration, and all of that is passed on to the viewer.
In these search processes the most interesting is the road itself, but without intertwining in the curves (and at the assembly table), the documentary has very clear its goal at all times, and we will reach the goal just before we realize, without reaching the half-hour film.
Larrotxene to Lekeitio
Among other characteristics, they valued “the originality of the film” at the Basque Film Festival of Lekeitio, and received the prize for the best film and the best script, in the amateur category. On 19 November it was presented at the Trueba de Donostia-San Sebastián and the directors have thanked the warm welcome they have received. From now on, the documentary will follow its path. The Astral Letter of Koldo García and Maite Bidarte was born in Larrotxene (Donostia-San Sebastián) in an audiovisual training course. Bidart tells us that they are “very happy” with this first job, “especially because people see it at ease.”
Directors and writers: Maite Bidada and Koldo García.
Basque Country, 27 min.
Presented on November 19 at the Trueba Cinemas in Donostia.
Itoiz, udako sesioak filma estreinatu dute zinema aretoetan. Juan Carlos Perez taldekidearen hitz eta doinuak biltzen ditu Larraitz Zuazo, Zuri Goikoetxea eta Ainhoa Andrakaren filmak. Haiekin mintzatu gara Metropoli Foralean.
Projection of the documentary Bidasoa 2018-2023
Where: Martutene prison, Donostia
When: Friday, 22 December, 16:00h
Available as a network: Perfect on the platform
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