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Classroom cooperation with expression and creation

  • It's not a small challenge to bring values to education. It is even more difficult if these values are contrasted with the individuality and predominant competitiveness in most areas. Within the Kooperarock initiative, they have taken an unusual path to working on cooperation and solidarity with children from 7 to 12 years: the road to creation and art. The theater that will round off the work will be presented next December at the Arriaga Theatre.
Goian eta beheko argazkian, bitartekariak Arberuko Saint-Martin eta Bilboko Kirikiño ikastetxeetan hurrenez hurren; kooperazioaren balioak artearen bidez lantzen dituzte haurrekin. (Argazkiak: Teatro Paraíso)
Goian eta beheko argazkian, bitartekariak Arberuko Saint-Martin eta Bilboko Kirikiño ikastetxeetan hurrenez hurren; kooperazioaren balioak artearen bidez lantzen dituzte haurrekin. (Argazkiak: Teatro Paraíso)

Kooperarock is a project developed by San Sebastian 2016, Mondragon Unibertsitatea, the Lanki Institute of Studies and the Paraíso theater company in collaboration with Mondragon Unibertsitatea. Its essence is cooperativism and the diffusion of its values in schools through art. To this end, the members of Teatro Paraíso have worked in two ways: the original work they will present in December and the work of “artistic mediation” they have carried out in five schools from different parts of the Basque Country.

According to the head of communication, Ander Elorza, the Alavesa company has carried out a long trajectory of 40 years in the world of theatre and artistic education: “We create theatre works, yes, but the creation, development and formation of new audiences are also a very important task. To do so, we work hard in schools.” However, to address the Kooperarock project, they have had to make several previous reflections and train themselves. The Basque Research Institute Lanki has been in charge of this research. In collaboration with different actors working in education and the transforming economy, they have carried out a long process to identify the basic values of cooperativism. The conclusions have been passed on to those who have mediated in schools and to those who will shape the theatre. Basically, there are two main ideas: cooperation and solidarity.

Ander Elorza
(Teatro Paraíso):
“The method
for the construction of art is based on collaboration and the dissemination of cooperative values”
Educational value of creation

To bring all this knowledge to the centers, they have not used textbooks, presentations or household chores. Instead, the path of creation has been chosen. To this end, they have been artists from different disciplines in five centers in the Basque Country: Kirikiño de Bilbao, San Prudencio de Vitoria-Gasteiz, Amara Berri de Donostia-San Sebastián, Saint Martin de Arberu and Arizmendi de Arrasate. In each of them he has been an artist who has adapted to his discipline and has worked in a participatory manner these basic reflections on cooperativism. Each of them has used dance, circus, theatre and photography.

María Fernández de Viana has served as a mediator in Kirikiño and Arizmendi Ikastola. Bringing the creative process of different areas closer to boys and girls, he wanted to inspire his cooperative and artistic work. She says that, despite moving away from the usual methodology, the attitude of the students has been very good: “They have welcomed me in a very open way from the very beginning. Human beings have a passion to express themselves and create themselves, and for them it has been wonderful to offer a physical and emotional space created.” It has been based on performing arts and fine arts. He states that disciplines are ideal for achieving cooperation, as the interaction to develop them is “indispensable”.

Elorza said that the path opened in schools by mediators has great value for the future. “It has allowed us to reflect on how to bring the values of cooperativism to education. But at the same time, they have been one more step towards making visible and normalizing the possibility of transmitting knowledge and values through creation.”

Also on stage

The values of cooperativism will not only be transferred to schools, but will also be transferred to the stage. The theatrical work that makes it possible is based on the contributions that boys and girls have made in the schools and the reflections collected by Lanki. According to Elorza, this is a two-way process: “The method of building art itself is based on collaboration and the dissemination of cooperative values.”

Maxi Rodríguez is the theatrical author in charge of composing the guion.Entre many other works, has been a writer of the series Siete Vida. Under his leadership, the actors Amaia Salazar, Maitane Goñi, Aitor de Kintana and Ander Basaldua will take over the cast of the work they want to be "poetic and dynamic". They have not yet told us, but as Elorza has told us, there will be four people who will work together to deal with common problems. Although they are not known beforehand, you will soon see that each of them has different characteristics and opinions. To work as a team, they will have to learn how to adapt to that diversity.

Elorza does not believe that custom work will limit creative possibilities. “It is true that many times the orders have that risk: the artist has an idea and a character by himself, and another one is applied to him. But it is experienced professionals who are in this work and we have given them total freedom. We’ve done more similar work, and seeing the result, it doesn’t seem to have been commissioned.”

Anyone who wants to see if this is the case, it is best to see the work. Its provisional name is Kooperarock, and is intended for children between 7 and 12 years of age. To acknowledge the importance of ikastola Arizmendi in the process, the opening of the new ikastola will take place on 15 December. The official premiere of the work will be on December 27 in San Sebastian.

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