Since the advent of industrialization, the urbanization process in the Bilbao area has not been interrupted. The small town bordering the Ría, centered on the Seven Streets, has grown to become a metropolis, at the expense of the rural environment. Bilbao devoured Deusto, Abando and Begoña, independent villages once, and the forests and gardens of the hillsides became populous neighborhoods. However, the area of Bilbao is an abrupt environment and urbanization has not been able to catch some of the highlands. In these neighborhoods there is still a predominance of farmhouses, grasses and forests.
Before it thrives, it should be made clear that these neighbourhoods are not even the oasis of dreams. Anyone who seeks pure Euskaldunization or pure traditions prior to industrialization has a party. It is true that the Basque language spoken on one occasion in the surroundings of Bilbao has remained in some villages in the neighborhoods of Seberetxe and Arbolantxa. But it's so true that the broadcast was interrupted a long time ago, and there's only a few old speakers left. The decline in population has been notable, as young people have gone to the neighborhoods of the city center and those who live in the hamlet are few. However, it is up to us to remember and demand that this other Bilbao is alive, because it is also part of the memory of the city.
We are therefore going to the La Arbolantxa district on the occasion of the San Justo festivity on a Saturday in August. Pa...Now! The effort of comparison has allowed us to maintain the tradition of the pilgrimage. The neighborhood consists of a series of villages scattered on the slopes of Mount Iturritxualde, over the gigantic housing blocks of Otxarkoaga. Until 1924, these lands belonged to the municipality of Begoña.
Txakoli was once the most appreciated product in the Republic of Begoña. Thus, the inhabitants of the area are called asparagus vid. Caserío Goikoetxe, the cradle of San Juan Day activities, is prepared for the elaboration of the txakoli: The house portal is adapted so that the leaves and branches of the vines are opened, so that the txakoli grapes grow smoothly. In this pleasant shadow the cure has been put in place to officiate the Mass. In this place, everywhere there is an unknown story waiting to be discovered: The annex, Bekoetxe, was the headquarters of Thomas Zumalacárregui's troops during the First Carlist War (1833-1840), on the site of Bilbao. It should be taken into account that, in the nineteenth century, Begoña was a Carlist people, in front of Bilbao liberal. However, the worst blow of the war was received by the Carlists in Begoña, where General Thomas Zumalacárregui died as a result of a lost bullet.
After the Mass, the attendees were able to enjoy the bertsos of Arkaitz Estiballes and Etxahun Lekue, as well as the melodies of the txalaparta. Manolo Legina, 91, has been the main protagonist of this edition of the Azoka of Durango 2010. This trikitilari born in Arbolantxa has his annual appointment in El Justo Eguna and this year has not missed the appointment either. The organizers of the march paid a tribute in which they thanked the contribution made to the neighborhood. Casera Goikoetxe, Arantza Zarate, has dressed the veteran accordionist the txapela he has done for the event. Legina is a very dear person, as evidenced by the large number of neighbours who have approached to greet her and congratulate her. Age had broken her fingers, but she didn't want to go to the party. Thus, he has touched some pieces with the trikitixa for the enjoyment of all attendees.
“Fingers, O fingers!” Manolo Legina complained, remembering the dexterity of the past. The sound becomes more and more difficult, so he has started to touch the pandero and the cane. The cane is not a very well known tool, but in some parts of the Basque Country the tradition of playing the cane has been maintained. In the shadow of the vines of Goikoetxea, a nice trio has been formed to enliven the environment: The trikitixa of Koldo Etxebarria, the pandero of Gaizka Molinuevo and the cane of Manolo Legina.
To round the day, a meal has been organized in the fields of the Bekoetxe farmhouse. On Fair Day this year people of all ages, including children, have participated. They will be in charge of maintaining the memory of this other Bilbao. No, perhaps in the old dialect that has been spoken for centuries in Bilbao. But yes in Basque, remembering the roots of the city. Because Bilbao has many aspects, and what you see every year on Fair Day, although for most of us it is unknown, is as valuable as titanium from the Guggenheim.
San Justo bideko Atxetas baserrian jaio zen Manolo Legina, orain dela 91 urte, Begoñako lurrak Bilboko udalerriaren parte bihurtu ziren garai beretsuan. Auzoan izan diren aldaketen lekuko izan da soinujole beteranoa. Euskararen transmisioa bizi-bizirik zegoeneko garaiak gogoan ditu. Umea zenean Arbolantxan euskara entzuten ote zen galdetu eta berehala erantzun du: “Euskara entzun? Lehen hemen dena zen euskaraz! Gainera, hika hitz egiten genuen, badakizu, hik egin dok eta horrela”. Penaz dio gaur egun ez duela gazteen artean hika entzuten.
Txikitan gaztelaniaz ez zekiela ere azaldu du Leginak, “uste dut katezismoa ikastera Begoñara joaten hasi nintzenean ikasi nuela erdaraz”. Bilboko jatorrizko euskaraz hitz egiten duen hiztun apurretako bat da gaur egun. Hizkuntzalari batzuk ibili izan dira auzoz auzo hizkera hori aztertu nahian. Iñaki Gamindek, esaterako, Buian, Larraskitun eta Arbolantxan aurkitu zituen hiztun batzuk. Auzotik auzora desberdintasun txiki batzuk dauden arren, ikerketek garbi utzi dute Nerbioi ibarreko euskararekin duela lotura handiena Bilbokoak, hau da, Arrigorriaga, Basauri, Zaratamo eta Ugaokoarekin.
Sei hilez baino ez zen eskolara joan eta, kontatu duenez, Santa Marinako abadeak irakatsi zion Leginari idazten eta irakurtzen. Musikarako zaletasuna ere orduan sortu zitzaion, inguruko ospakizunetan: “Nik entzuten nuen trikitia eta pentsatzen nuen, ‘zergatik ez dut nik berdin egingo?’”. Besteei entzunda ikasi zuen soinua jotzen, “belarri ona nuen, eta memoria ona ere bai”.
Lehenengo soinua 16 edo 17 urterekin erosi zuela gogoan du Leginak, “15 pezetan erosi nuen, hiru ogerleko”. Harrezkero, Euskal Herria goitik behera ezagutu du, jairik jai. Ipar Euskal Herrian maiz ibili dela dio eta, beste muturrean ere, Karrantzan, makina bat aldiz alaitu ditu bazterrak. Ondo gogoan du Madrilera, Televisión Españolara joan zirenekoa: “Txilibrin albokaria, Guillermin de Artxanda pandero-jotzailea, Boni txistularia eta ni, laurok joan ginen, Euskadiren ordezkari”.
Arbolantxatik mundura, trikitia lagun, pasadizo andana ditu Manolo Leginak gogoan. Adibidez, trikitia ostu zioteneko estualdia. Ezagun bati esker, egun batzuk geroago berreskuratu zuen, baina badaezpada, bere izena idatzita darama orain erabiltzen duen soinuan. Txakolindegi zaharretako mahatsondoen itzalean entzuteko istorioak dira horiek, Bilboko berezko euskara bitarteko dela, hiriko porlanezko oihana begien bistan, hain hurbil eta hain urrun.
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