See therapies
"To see 100% is not to see well"
  • School performance may be related to eye performance. However, vision problems are not only detected, but also taken into account our ability to see.
Ainhoa Mariezkurrena Etxabe 2016ko urriaren 12a
Ikus Terapia egitasmoan umeek hartzen dute bereziki parte, eskolan sumatzen diren zenbait gabezia ikusmenarekin loturik daudelako. Arazoak aurreikusi eta gaitasun bisualak lantzea ezinbestekoa da, Iriondo Optikako kideen hitzetan.
Ikus Terapia egitasmoan umeek hartzen dute bereziki parte, eskolan sumatzen diren zenbait gabezia ikusmenarekin loturik daudelako. Arazoak aurreikusi eta gaitasun bisualak lantzea ezinbestekoa da, Iriondo Optikako kideen hitzetan.

We often assess vision based on vision ability: whoever has difficulty seeing at a distance will have nearsightedness. Hypermetropia for which it is not clear how close it is. Distorted vision, astigmatism. These are the three main weaknesses that are detected and that are overcome with the glasses. But for more reasons, sight can function inadequately.

In the Iriondo Optics of Azkoitia (Gipuzkoa) detect and work other visual weaknesses through the Ikusi Therapy project. “Seeing 100% is not seeing well. We need to look at how the eye’s capabilities are for higher performance,” say optometrists Estibaliz Ariznabarreta and Marian Iriondo. They indicate that this therapy works with muscle problems: “What we offer is an eye gymnastics.” These are exercises that are repeated in a controlled way and that work at home for about 20 minutes. The treatment lasts three months. They add that factors can vary depending on the person, problem and motivation. They then perform a follow-up.

“Before we turned to speech therapy, hyperactivity, to say that he is a bad student or he likes nothing but thinking that he has vision problems”

These are focal dysfunctions, coordination of visual axes, ocular mobility and understanding and interpretation of the information received. “Everyone needs coordination to make the visual system work well,” they say. “Both eyes have to work as if they were one.”

They claim that all of this influences school performance. That's why they mainly work with children. “Before we turned to speech therapy, hyperactivity, to say that he is a poor student or only likes to think he has vision problems,” said Iriondo. But they have stressed that 70% of what is learned in school is done through the eyes, so it is “essential” to analyze the visual capabilities. For example, if eye mobility is low, it will make it difficult to read quickly or accurately, even when changing from slate gaze to book. If objects don't focus automatically, there will be trouble keeping eye on them. These examples can also influence sport.

Mothers, fathers and teachers are invited to take into account the theme: “To predict problems you need to understand that there may be a problem.” To do this, they propose to perform a rapid test: red eyes, itching or headache; to put your finger when reading, being slow or not liking; to skip letters or lines; to read the crooked head or cover an eye; not being skillful in crafts and sports; to perform little despite the hours of study; to increase tiredness as the day goes by; and to maintain concentration and have problems standing still.

If you feel two of these symptoms, you should approach the lens. So everyone can solve the problem at home.