Dozens of people asked at the same time, on June 25 of last year, when they heard that voice, at the pace marked by the Joaldunak censuses, singing “Today I woke up speaking in Roncalés.” He wanted more information, but it was hard to find the data: his mother was from Segura, Gaintza's father. No one in Roncal's family. That's it. Then there was a Twitter account on whose logo was a gigantic K, and one that followed its path began to draw additional conclusions: That it was a project of Cycles Iturgaiz, by Mikel Aizpurua, and that while Ritxar Gómez has gone to literature – he has just self-edited the novel Gooolpe de Vista – Aizpurua has approached the style of singing that in his day worked in the Elurretan group, mixing sweet melodies with humorist and surreal words. Atez ahate, Patxi Eugi, The incinerator in Chillida Leku... before noticing, has composed 30 pieces, and does not seem to have any intention of staying.
The artist who listens to the songs of Kau Kori Kura and I imagine it in the boycott is something like this: man, goierritarra, back 40 years old, fond of the ball, who reads the illustrated press, habitual visitor of the Durango Fair, the Euskadi Racing movement suffered nearby... Am I OK?
(Laughing) I'm not far away, no. I really like popular things, the charm of small neighborhood parties, potato tortilla contests and things like that. Juan Carlos Pérez said that when I arrived at a town to play the concert the first thing I wanted to know is at what level the local football team played, preferably in the regional... these are data that interests me too. Federico Fellini or Luis García Berlanga were masters in making movies on that subject. Or the Herri txiki program, Infernu handi is also wonderful.
“The starting point of my songs is always an absurd or surreal idea, that ignorance
of where the idea is
going to come is what has
the most charm”
At least, in the songs you get a lot of popular referrals.
Yes, but the starting point is always an absurd or surreal idea. Then, transversally, I include that kind of reference. For example, the basis of the song Patxi Eugi is a phrase that has been heard in a Tarzan film. I often mentioned the word "Umgawa!" (hangaua), and I'm sure I once heard her fall on the legs. Then I tried to find the passage, but it was in vain. At least, it has served me to leave and make a story. Or, look, when I created Steppes I didn't think Steppes outside of Etxeberria, I was doing exercises with the word steppes, stepa (landscape type), this bread, step (in the gym) and all of a sudden, I also thought of the television host Steppes. But I can't think about a theme and make a piece about it, the song always has to come from an absurd starting point. Its greatest charm lies in the lack of knowledge of its origin.
You can think that Roncalés has a special weight in this project, besides being the first song, the name of Kau Kori Kura in Roncalés is Hau Hori Hura.
You do not believe that you were doubting the name. A long time ago, I created a character, Baxoerdy, who walks with the txapela and the glasses. He was born in Ordizia, in the 1970s he went to Iparralde, he was a friend of Mikel Laboa -- that was something I was going to do, but in the end I chose Kau Kori Kura. Now, I want to make a t-shirt with Fidela Bernat's face as a tribute, in the style of Andy Warhol. Let's see what comes out.
Does it come from Cycles, but does this project no longer look like the previous one from Cycles, Elurreta?
No doubt. It was mostly the Ritxar Cycles project, almost all the letters were yours, I would put music to you. In Elurretán, the songs were mine, and Ritxar only introduced the bass. In that touch of surrealism and absurdity of Elurretán’s last album, I see the seed of Kau Kori Kura. But at the time Ritxar came with the letters of Cycles, and I decided that I had to do that project. Ideas have been in the fridge, and when I've left Cycles, I've started pulling it back.
“Having a good time and not giving yourself too
much importance, that’s the attitude”
His trajectory shows a way to understand music, very juicy, in the opposite of vanity.
Look, I recently heard on the radio an interview with the group Ttun Tttun Brigade and thought, “that’s the attitude!”, having a good time and not giving you too much importancia.Esa attitude of playing and experimenting as boys and girls. We have a lot to learn from children.
Why are there so few bets on style?
I don't know. For example, I look at Juan Carlos Pérez, Mursego or Joseba Irazoki, and it seems to me that in the next step they are able to do anything, even something that doesn't have to do with what we've done so far. I asked Mursego the other day what he was going to do and he said: “I don’t know.” I like that point, and I see very few artists here. Or Haritz Artola -- Criminal Brigade, Fiachras, Bizardunak -- a great friend, is able to do something that will suddenly break completely with the above. O Ibon Rodríguez, del Etense. I'm waiting for those free spirits to see what they do next. In musicians, in writers in general, I miss that attitude. Jabier Muguruza or Ruper Ordorika – and beware, I am very fond of both – you know what they are going to do more or less.
You see them very attached to their trajectory.
Yeah, something like that. Some of them live from there and I understand that. Also, when you have a route it's hard to touch a flask, if you're not a PJ Harvey, or Brian Eno, or Radiohead. Let us take advantage of those outside to do what we want.
If so, does it intend not to repeat? Is that a conscious chip?
No, I get bored with things. The end of Cycles, for example, was very natural. Ritxar's last letters didn't tell us anything new. Well, it's over. In Elurreta, we also had the time. In those finals, you don't think you're going to do anything else in your life. Let's not talk! Half a year goes by and something new emerges. So far, at least, that has been the case. Yes, Kau Kori Kura I believe that from now on I will use it to refer to the things that I only do. I'll put him in the garrotte with a "cori or cure"!
“People only stay with the deep songs of Laboa and Lete, but they had others, to experiment or to laugh.”
Your videos will have the same work as your songs.
Yes, videos have an impressive job, on Youtube Almighty I put hours to find what I want. But what I like most about this world is putting music to a letter that motivates me. I'm passionate about pop or melody, what I love the most is to invent the melody, you never know where the words are going to take you from. In Cycles, for example, that was pretty. I was collecting the clowns of the Basque letter in the e-mail, and while I was reading, I was crying, unable to break. A gift. I would approach the living room and draw the melody out of the guitar. If you have the lyrics you like, I know the song will come out. A motivating letter for me is the motor.
At Kau Kori Kura, how do you take yourself as a letrist?
All right! Ideas that have nothing to do with or that are absolutely antagonistic, sometimes “things” come together. I like to twist the things of everyday life, of routine. Miguel Noguera or Mikel Pagadi are masters of it. Many times I do an automatic writing and a few words appear. For example, Napoleon -- and I related it to peppermint poleus. Then I joined Bonaparte and Euskera. I have read over there that someone has called him “Kantu aldeko kantu”. Let's not talk! I have also read that the song Kalamarana is a criticism of the bar Juantxo. Criticism? A tribute! How many snacks have I eaten there! Or, for example, I don't want you to understand the Steppes song as a personal thing, because it doesn't. The critic Leire López Ziluaga said that what he was most interested in was how we left the listener uncomfortable, because they didn't know what the voice he's really thinking is listening, that here is a habit of interpreting the words of the song as an artist's own opinion, and that we should remember the relationship that words have with fiction. In Cycles they called us everything, fachas, etarras... each one understands a song as he wants, of course, but with many things I'm surprised.
What are you hearing lately?
I have always listened and continue to listen, for example: Beach Boys, Cluster, Brian Eno, Mikel Laboa, Jaume Sisa, Javier Bergia, Richard Thompson, Juan Carlos Pérez, Neu! o Dusseldorf, to name a few.
“Today it is very difficult to start an organized musical movement”
And what has surprised you lately?
Lately, I've had a conversation with a number of musicians, some of them current, some of them long ago. Frank Zappa And The Mothers Of Invention, The Residents, Rafael Berrio, Los Ganglios, prog-Italian groups from the 1970s...
The other day I saw Joseba Irazoki, with the group, in Bilbao, and I was touched. I had that feeling. “This is capable of everything.” A little bit like Laboa. It makes me happy how Laboa remembers here: people only remember his deepest part. But Laboa's humor, experimentation... I remember how he played in the Kilometers of Beasain. He started with two known songs, but then began to play Chiquito de la Calzada: “Anaximandro! Anaximenes!” and similar screams, then playing instrumental songs... A performance on a table. My friends said it was unbearable. But what do you think Laboa is? Their guitar songs are very nice, with a very nice melody, and they are the ones that attract people. This side of experimentation has remained like its geek side. However, you realize that, when you get the whole package, it's great because it has a lot of faces. With Xabier Lete also has songs to laugh, but here people stay with that depth and solemnity.
Besides Laboa and Lete, what do you think of other artists of Ez Dok Amairu?
I like most Basque classics. I hear very little, but they're there, I'm sure they affect me when it comes to making the songs. For example, the album by Txomin Artola seems amazing to me... or the songs of the Oskarbi group, what melody and what beautiful voices!
Benito Lertxundi recently said that Ez Dok Amairu sees the need to recover that spirit from the time.
To Eñaut Elorrieta I heard something similar say, that I wanted to recover the spirit of the songs of the 1970s or... In those cases I think: at that time those songs were not made; they are already made. That spirit was then necessary, it has nothing to do with what is needed today. Before, there were fewer media outlets, the direct ones were less -- now there are 10,000 branches, the way you listen to music has changed, and it's very difficult to start an organized musical movement.
“I prefer a collective where everyone goes to the same march, artists come together for motivating projects and then come together.”
There has been some attempt. About a year ago several musicians published the project Ez dok bukua...
Oh, yeah? I didn't know. Anyway, I am not very fond of the collectives, with their manifestos... In the art world, the most interesting attitude is to get together and separate. I prefer artists to come together for motivating projects and then come together to go all the way to the same walk as a collective.
Do you intend to start giving concerts?
I don't know what to say. I've always loved creating songs more than playing. But lately I'm also enjoying playing. When I get to the repertoire of a hundred songs, I'll do something (laughing).
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ELA sindikatuak azaldu duenez, azken Lan Eskaintza Publikoaren oinarrien arabera, Ertzaintzarako eskainitako lanpostuen %20ak eta Udaltzaingoaren %30ak ez daukate euskara-eskakizunik. Gasteizen, adibidez, udaltzain-lanpostuen erdietan, 24tan, ez dago euskara-eskakizunik.
Ustez, lokalaren jabetza eskuratu dutenek bidali dituzte sarrailagileak sarraila aldatzera; Ertzaintzak babestuta aritu dira hori egiten. Birundak epaiketa bat irabazi du duela gutxi.
Inoren Ero Ni + Lisabö
Noiz: martxoaren 14an.
Non: Gasteizko Jimmy Jazz aretoan.
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Txinparta izeneko prozesua Martxoaren 21ean hasiko da eta urte bete iraungo du. "Udaberriaren hasierarekin batera proiektu herritar berri bat" aurkeztu nahi dutela adierazi dute.
PP, Vox, Junts eta EAJren botoekin Espainiako Kongresuak onartu du otsoa espezie babestuen zerrendatik ateratzea eta, horren ondorioz, berriz ehizatu ahal izango dute Duero ibaitik iparrera.
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