Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

We want to live in Basque

  • The travelling barnetegi organized by AEK in July brought together 36 people. 15 days, 350 kilometers, from Muskiz to Ezpeleta. All those who have a very nice level of Euskera, wanting to speak continuously in Basque. One of them was the photographer of ARGIA Dani Blanco. He made photographs, as it could not be otherwise, and he has even brought his own thoughts here.

As we have been on the mountain every day, we have had the opportunity to learn terminology related to nature. “How many bullies and ferns!” “I don’t say so,” “And how do you say it?” As students from all over the Basque Country, we have been learning synonyms.

The teachers encouraged dialogue between us. Sometimes we would play games, as you see in the photo above, to shake the tongue. Many of us do not speak at home in Euskera, some only at work, for others Euskaltegi is one of the few options we have to be able to speak in Euskera. That is why we went to the barnetegi, to speak in Basque without rest. If we didn’t get a word, ‘euskeriza’ the Spanish version and go ahead!

We've slept in sports centers, fronts, AEK classrooms. But the singers did not lie down without
cantar.Un friend told me that in view of the photo below it is noted that for the end the climate of trust between us has been strengthened. We made close relationships, and at the same time, we were very happy to have reached Ezpeleta, to the finish line. Ah! This is what we all learned in the traveling pensioner: ‘A bean has come out of my foot.’

You are interested in the channel: Helduen euskalduntze alfabetatzea
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