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The fire between Lekeitio and Catalonia

  • The street theater group Lekittoko Deabruak is one of the few groups that connect pyrotechnics with street theater. The young people who, during the Street Theatre Festival, enviously watched the fire began to prepare their performances in 2012. This summer they have participated in the biggest retransmission of the arrival to Catalonia of the one carried out in Catalonia.
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

Some of them, from little ones on legs and clubs, some small protagonists of theatrical performances here and there, and most of those who have worked in the laying of fences at the Street Theatre Festivals; but above all, the companions of Lekittoko Deabruak have been quoted in the street theater group.

Lekeitio's is one of the few groups that merges pyrotechnics and street theatre in the Basque Country, and they claim to have known their fondness for street theatre thanks to the festival held in July. “Like many others, we expected the fire shows invited to the Street Theatre Festival to be able to play between the fires,” explains Gorka Rodríguez, a member of Deabruak. “We liked what we had seen in those jackpots of fire, we lived, but we would never imagine that we too had the ability to prepare similar shows.”

Start out of nowhere

After meeting the Catalan groups, some of the members started to revolve around the possibility of creating a similar group in Lekeitio. As the idea took shape, the group joined more and more people, and on the eve of St. John the streets of Lekeitio were hooked with devil and catamory costumes and with a sparkle and fireworks glow. It was June 2012. “Like all the beginnings, ours was not easy either, we had to start from scratch, with all the difficulties that this has,” Rodríguez explained. "We were all firefighters but no one had walked around that world and much less professional," said Hodei Izarra, one of the band's members. “Preparing a show from start to finish has more work to imagine, preparing clothes, choosing music, writing a small script… We had to do it, but it was a nice challenge.”

Among the spectators, there are also many who are frightened by the fire and stay aside, to the point of getting angry with them.

Lekeitiarras have always had a very close relationship with the fireworks that have come from Catalonia. In fact, most of them have been thrown with one hand around the street theater festival. “We’ve done surveillance work, we’ve done shows, we’ve worked as nannies, we’ve been putting chairs… until we reach our first performance, although we’re still laying chairs,” said Danele Robles, a member of Deabrueta, in laughter. “We had the opportunity to do something at the Street Theatre festival and on the same day we started working,” added Robles. “We met with people interested in pyrotechnics and theatre and contacted the Catalan group Mussols Sokarrats to prepare our first performance we premiered in Lekeitio,” says Hodei Izarra. With the desire to end that day, the group decided to continue working.

The members of Deabrueta recall in particular the actions that have taken place in the people. “In Lekeitio we have a culture to play between the fires and the citizenship joins us in pasacalles and representations, because the culture that Kale Antzerkia has left us will be the reason,” explains Rodríguez. Although little by little, in the towns that repeat actions it has also been noticed that people have already jumped into the hogueras but in Euskal Herria there is a need to work hard to strengthen the culture of fire as in Catalonia. “In the Mediterranean fire is known as a popular custom, here we have known that culture, and we are working, but it has nothing to do with Catalan society,” explains Robles.

Looking at Catalonia

In recent times, Euskal Herria, although pending the Catalan countries, has long since established relations between the two countries. From that special relationship was born Twittear ta ke! the show of fires and music between Catalans and Basques. For the second consecutive year, the K tum-K group of Catalunya and Aulesti prepared him to participate in the Street Theatre Festival of the town.

“This summer we have had the opportunity to go to Catalonia and participate in the biggest show in the email address,” Izarra explained. They tell us that the experience has been unforgettable, impossible to describe in words. They have participated in two shows: in a small town, Substantitown and Ke! They did the program and the second performance, and the most special thing they had so far, was to participate in the show that took place in the connection of García. Together with nine other teams, they have had the opportunity to participate in the greatest diligence in the history of Catalonia. “That was a demon dance, a day to burn, we burned all the trucks we wanted, we enjoyed that day a lot,” they explained.

Wanting to work

“Each member of the team has their tasks, the family, the work… we often have a hard time compaginating everything, because what we do is more hobby than trade,” explains Robles. Many shows have difficulty getting ahead, in most cases because of a lack of people, but they have already made 50 representations, it's not a bad number. They like what they do and live the fire. They have therefore announced that they will continue to do so that the spark that has been ignited will not be extinguished, remembering that they have the doors open to anyone who has the illusion to participate in the group.

They're having a hard time running a lot of shows, usually for lack of people, but they've already done 50 performances.

Next year the group will be five years old and to celebrate it they are preparing something big and special. “We still don’t know where the act of celebration is going to be, but for us Lekeitio is a special place, and it can be a way to thank the citizens for their welcome and their passion to participate,” said Izarra.

In case of fire…

The elders of the house have always reminded us that what is played with fire burns. The demons of Lekitto also know the old saying well. The accidents suffered so far have been minor and of little importance, but Rodríguez was forced not to participate in the largest fire festival ever seen, the La Correo de García festival.

In this regard, they have warned that "often" it is impossible to avoid small or large accidents. That's why demons, in all shows, need a safe, involuntary contract.

When the fire is unknown and strange…

In many villages, demons have also raised their arms as a sign of mourning. The members of the group have commented that in the villages visited for the first time "curiosity, anger and sometimes misunderstandings" are generated. Demons have experienced reactions of all kinds in their five years of running. “Many participate with us in the show, enjoy with us,” Robles explains. But there are also many who are frightened by fire and are left aside, to the point where many are angry with them. “We are aware that we make a special show, some like it and others do not, you cannot always satisfy everyone’s taste.”


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