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80 years after the impunity prevailing in Spain

Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

The power relations of each moment mark the memory of a country or society, even more so when there is a violent conflict or war between hands. That's why it's said that history is written by the winners. The rise of Franco from 1936 and the one he has lived in Spain until today is another example of this. First of all, 40 years of Franco dictatorship devoured the truth, justice and reparation of the losers from a bite.

The United Nations declared the Franco regime “fascist” in 1946, mainly because “Hitler’s Nazi Germany and Mussolini’s fascist Italy were consolidated”. The 39 UN Resolution considers that “it did not represent the Spanish people”, because it was built “on force”. However, the UN’s opinion remained at war with the approval of the United States. Franco was yet another ally to deal with the “Soviet threat” and the recognition of the Americans brought with him that of the other UN countries, although it is a state based on illegitimate force.

68 years after that UN resolution, the Spain of pp and PSOE is proud of the way Spain travelled through the Transition. The most important international organization, on the other hand, launched a harsh reproach to Spain at the XXVII United Nations Congress on Human Rights. In the Congress of Deputies 2014.Los two reports presented in it reflected the impunity of Franco in Spain and the obstruction of the Spanish Justice to the investigation of the crimes of Franco and the Civil War. It was not the first time, as early as 2012, the top UN officials strongly denounced the pp government’s policy on truth and justice. Other international bodies have also been critical of the position of Spain, such as the Standing Committee of the Assembly of Parliamentarians of the Council of Europe by resolution of 2006; or the Higher Commission on Human Rights of the Council of Europe this year.

114.226 missing from the 36 war are still buried. Spain is the second country in the world with the most mass graves, after Cambodia. A total of 30,960 children were stolen by the Franco regime and many of them were handed over to the families of the regime, but no judicial investigation has been opened to clarify what happened and that the children regain their real identity. No judicial investigation has been opened into the 400,000 prisoners who were used as slaves and the companies that used them.

Since the Spanish Justice has not carried out any judicial investigation into these crimes, Argentine Judge María Servini has conducted them under different forms of universal justice. At the end of 2014, Servini requested the extradition of 18 persons who were denied by the Government of Spain in 2015. The Spanish National High Court took a statement to two of them and withdrew their passport. Chistof Heyns, Ariel Dizanky, Juan Méndez and Juan E. The UN high commissioners, Méndez, strongly criticised the decision of the Government of Mariano Rajoy to leave the country. In the words of the PP leaders, dozens of statements of contempt for the victims of Franco can be found in the newspapers, “because they are heavy with the graves” or because in the Civil War of 1936 it is not about “bad and good”, among other things.

Over the years he has travelled the way of memory, justice and the truth of the Basque conflict. Its biggest problem is not that the Abertzale left refuses to make self-criticism or that ETA does not deliver the weapons, but that it is built in a scheme of victors and defeated. And, therefore, above and beyond many good intentions, the main conclusions are being drawn from this point of view. That is why, for example, the Spanish State will never admit that it has been subjected to systematic torture.

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