The farmers of the Andean Group already have a need for irrigation infrastructure and have been asking for rafts for years, but until in August 2015 the intention to build the Barrón reservoir was made public, no major infrastructure was expected. Even less, in the face of the decline in agriculture in the area: recently many farmers had joined the Irrigation Group, but today only 8% of them are still in the countryside.
In the opinion of the proponents of the project, the reservoir can be an instrument to reverse the decline in agriculture. In other words, they believe that irrigation infrastructure would attract farmers, which would help to combat the loss of population.
The Barrón dam would be one of the largest Alavese reservoirs built for irrigation of land with a budget of 182 million euros. It would occupy about 70-80 hectares and have a storage capacity of 4.8 cubic hectometers of water. Many neighbours believe that the needs of agricultural land are excessive. Some have denounced the lack of information and, out of curiosity, started to organize themselves: The platform No to the Reservoir of Bar-Añana has been created.
The detractors of the swamp call for an up-to-date socio-economic research, considering that the project designed in 1999 is obsolete. “First of all, the drivers should know how many farmers there are in the area, how much they need such an infrastructure to water their lands,” says Maite Cruz of the platform. “Otherwise, there may be a big difference between supply and demand.”
The reservoir would occupy the lands of Barron and Guinea, but it would also affect the towns around it. The construction of the main dam wall, about 35 metres in length, near the village of Atiega, is a cause for concern. “If the wall bursts, all the people are drowned,” said another member of the platform, Txus Fernández. The construction of the infrastructure would also involve the transfer of the access road to Atiega.
Opponents of packaging believe that the need for such an infrastructure should be measured in terms of the number of farmers they currently have.
Project drivers have divided the process into several phases. The works began in 2008 and at the moment three wells have been built, one of which, according to the neighbors, is not used by necessity. They have therefore taken the view that there may be other interests in the construction of the dam. “It smells bad for the project, there may be many companies interested,” Fernandez explained. Residents have referred to the concrete and water pressure groups in the Spanish state. These include Acuamed, a public company under the Spanish Ministry of Agriculture and the Environment, which is currently engaged in a fraud pattern.
However, not all Alavese farmers agree with the cry of the platform. Some believe that this is not the time for socioeconomic research. “We cannot constantly investigate the situation, we have been demanding irrigation infrastructures for years and when the works have finally begun we cannot stop the project. Because we are against the swamp of Barrón we cannot stop the whole project,” said the president of the Álava Farmers Association, Javier Torre.
It cannot be denied that there is a debate between farmers and that is reflected in the UAGA. In the case of the Barrón swamp, the union also has its views, and for some members the issue is unknown. Faced with this, the priority of the platform is to inform those who do not know anything about the Barrón reservoir and not those who support the project.
100% of the area occupied by the Barrón reservoir would be cultivated, owned by the farmers of the area. Among those who would lose their land is Maite Cruz, who still does not know what he is going to receive as compensation for this forced expropriation. However, his position is clear: "I don't want money. If 50% of the farm is taken away from me, what do I do?”
Neighbours are unaware of the conditions under which forced expropriations will be carried out, as well as the date of such expropriations. They therefore call on the supporters of the project to be willing to listen and debate: “Keep in mind, for the benefit of a few, that some neighbors are going to lose land. You just have to put them on our site.”
The towns of Quejo, Nograro and Barrio would be the origin of the Barrón reservoir. The Provincial Council of Álava considers that, in principle, it is not necessary to pump the water, since there is hope that the water will make the way on its own. However, the Member has admitted that, if necessary, the possibility of pumping water from Osma has also been envisaged. This would increase the price of water and the reservoir would not be viable for farmers. It would be the failure of the project. In this case, the project would also lose UAGA support.
The condition of the soil influences the need to pump water. The members of the platform have already begun to analyse the environment on their own and the data obtained so far have not opened the way to optimism. The samples taken by the Ebro Hydrographic Confederation indicate that the Barron soil is permeable, which would hinder the accumulation of water.
The promoters believe that the Barrón reservoir can be an instrument to perpetuate the fall of agriculture.
The Provincial Council of Álava has already built irrigation infrastructures on permeable soils and the experiment has not yielded good results. Neighbors remember Noryeste’s project: The Provincial Council of Álava made an investment of EUR 30 million in the water supply to Uribarri Arratzua. This infrastructure built on permeable soils can only accumulate 4% of the water it receives.
In an effort to strengthen the clamour, the Barthon-Añana Urtegia-Ez platform has opened a new phase that will bring the debate to the Provincial Council of Álava. He has met with the parties, but has not achieved the approval of all: The PNV and pp are in favour of the swamp, while Citizens and the PSE-EE insist that more research is needed. EH Bildu, Podemos and Irabazi have been against it.
The next step would be, according to the platform, to rethink the project through a participatory process involving experts and citizens. They are working on the way to achieve this by organising briefings and round tables. Its aim is to address the lack of information and to turn the construction of the Barrón reservoir into a public debate.
Laurogeitik gora errota, zubi, aztarnategi, ermita, gaztelu, bide eta antzinako herrixka harrapatuko ditu Barrongo urtegiak. 431.645 euroko inbertsioa kalkulatu dute ondare arkeologikoan izango dituen kalteak txikiagotzeko.
Añana Kuadrillako bizilagunek Gasteizko kaleetara eraman dute Barronen egin nahi duten urtegiaren kontrako protesta, eta Diputazioaren aurrean elkarretaratzea egin dute. Batzar Nagusiaren osoko bilkura zegoela baliatu nahi izan dute urtegiaren egitasmoaren salaketa... [+]
Arabako Kongresurako zerrendaburu guztiak bildu nahi ditu Barrongo urtegiaren kontrako plataformak mahai-inguru batean urtegiari buruz hitz egiteko.
Arabako Kontzejuen Elkarteak Barrongo urtegiak kaltetuko dituen bizilagunekin bat egin du, eta egitasmoa gelditzeko exijitu du. Beharrezkoa ez den azpiegitura dela salatu dute.
Arabako Batzar Nagusiek atzera bota dute asteazkenean Barrongo urtegiaren obra gelditzeko eskatzen zuen mozioa. EH Bildu, Podemos eta Irabazi biltzarkide taldeek defendatu dituzte Barrongo Urtegiari Ez plataformaren eskaerak.
Barrongo urtegia beharrezkoa ez den azpiegitura dela eta egitasmoa gelditzeko urratsak ematen hasiko dira Añana Kuadrillan.